Virginua Tech Regular Decision--Notification Before Apr 1?

D16 has almost finished all of her other college applications, and all off them have notification by January 31. She would like to consider Virginia tech, but it seems on their website that notification is ON April 1.

Does Virginia Tech send decisions before this date, or are we reading this correctly?


My S heard back from Tech in February, so I think they do send some decisions early.

My son heard back in February as well–the 20th. Then a second round of regular admissions decisions was released on March 20th. I’m assuming the earlier decisions were based primarily on when the application was submitted and stats. My last is applying to Tech as well this year.

Tech didn’t quite get the admissions numbers right for Fall 2015. More kids accepted than they anticipated. The 2015 freshman class is 1,000 kids larger than in 2014. This caused some housing issues but they managed through it. This would explain why they didn’t go to the Wait List. I wonder if admissions will be even more competitive this year so they don’t make the same mistake. I also would have liked my current freshman to be able to reside on campus for his sophomore year but I am assuming they will be more cautious there as well since freshmen are required to live on campus.

It’s a great school My son loves it and has made friends. (We are from out state. He’s 3rd generation.) Good Luck!

Thank you @acollegefan and @kooth12. We will definitely have D apply then. It has been a solid contender on her small list. She does not have a super competitive major…food science, but we were thinking that it would end up falling off the radar if decision went to April first and the rest were in hand early. Also then we would only have about ten days to plan a trip to the acceptance student day. We are pretty far and would need to stay over night.

Speaking of overnight…does anyone have recommendations for good hotels in the area? I don’t mind driving ten or twenty minutes from hotel to college (ie doesn’t have to be on campus). Thanks again!! .

I could be wrong, but RD decisions do come out late March for 99% of the applicants (excluding Early Decision). The few that hear back Jan-Feb are primarily out of state applicants.

My S was a regular decision, in-state, engineering school applicant and he heard back from Tech in February.

@ACollegeFan was your son by chance an Honors College candidate?

@bboop42 No he wasn’t an honors college candidate.