Visit Days?

<p>I am planning on visiting UW-Madison soon, and I'm wondering how many people attend these visit days? I want to do the "Admissions Information Session AND Walking Tour" and "School of Business Information Session". I am worried there won't be very many people there since it looks like they do them every day. Maybe it's dumb, but I don't want to go and be the only one there, I'd just feel really awkward. Has anyone here gone to one of these visit days? If so, how many people were there? And is there a more popular day? Thanks.</p>

<p>Suggest you do it during high school Winter or Spring break if ensuring that you will be part of a huge crowd really matters. Not sure why you would be concerned about a smaller crowd and the visit will give you a good opportunity to meet out-of-state applicants because nobody applies to Wisconsin from out-of-state without visiting. You will find out a lot more from the Admissions Information session about the criteria used for admissions and what the university is looking for in an applicant than you will from this site. Good luck, it would be a mistake not to visit and your plan is a good one.</p>

<p>I would imagine those sessions will not be small. When my son visited on a random Dec day, there were 50-75 people in the admissions info session, and the campus tours divide into about 10-15 people each. He went to a Letters and Science meeting which was about 15 people. </p>

<p>UW is a major public university very popular among students from east and west coast – don’t think you have to worry about being one of a few people in the room</p>

<p>Thanks! Don’t get me wrong, I’ll visit by myself if I absolutely have to, but I just wanted to know if it could be avoided. Thanks for the info guys.</p>

<p>My son and I visited last year on Veteran’s Day in November. It was not a school holiday for UW but was a school holiday for a lot of other high school students. The Admissions Tour and Walking Tour was very crowded. A lot of people, maybe 300 people in the Admissions Tour easily. We also made an appointment to visit two Learning Communities (Dorms) so he could get an idea of the dorms. We visited Chadbourne and Bradley. The only dorm tours you can take are the learning communities, the other dorms do not let you arrange a tour.</p>