Visit Question

<p>We are hoping to set up a visit to Alabama for August 21 or 22. The Admission Office said we can arrange the visit either through the College of Engineering or the Honors College. Is the any difference or advantage to arranging the visit through one or the other

<p>I would arrange through the HC. They will arrange for you to meet with someone from COE if that’s your intended major. </p>

<p>Ditto. The Honors College is happy to accommodate you when it comes to seeing all the parts of campus in which you’re interested. Plus, if you’re planning on being in Honors, there are some Honors opportunities/requirements you might not hear about elsewhere if you don’t speak with a recruiter or ambassador from HC.</p>

<p>(…As an Honors Ambassador, I might be a bit biased. :wink: )</p>

<p>Yikes, that’s the first few day(s) of school being in session! Do you plan on sitting in on a class? If there is something you are interested in, let HC know and they can accommodate you. Do not be shy about asking to see anything you want to see and talk with whomever you want to talk with - especially if you are coming from far away distance - you want to get as many of your questions answered. Good luck!</p>

<p>First set up a regular campus tour …try for an early morning tour. (dont delay doing this!)</p>

<p>But…Don’t delay setting up your campus tour! The tour is a mix of walking and riding in a small bus, so each tour is strictly limited to the number of seats on that small bus.</p>

<p>In the email to the below listed people, include:
Student’s name and contact info
Date and time of the Campus tour that you’ve reserved.
GPA and test scores (include likely NMSF if applicable)
Likely majors
Career interests (including med, law, etc)
Anything particular that you want to see. If you have an interest in seeing the new Science and Engineering Complex, the TV or radio stations, the B-school or what-have-you, let them know.</p>

<p>Honors Recruitment</p>

<p>Susan Alley
270 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Neil Adams
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>They will arrange the rest of the day…meeting with faculty, honors people, touring honors dorms, etc.</p>

<p>Sometimes mail goes to their SPAM folders, so call them if you haven’t heard back within a few business days. They do an excellent job and work very hard.</p>

<p>We are planning on visiting in October. Should we go ahead and schedule a tour or is it too early to set it up? Who do I need to contact for the regular campus tour? </p>

<p>If you visit in October, be sure to avoid homegame weekends. Hotels are either completely booked up or the rates are crazy…even at the fleabags (avoid!!!)</p>

<p>Actually avoid all weekends, because weekends dont give a fair evaluation of a campus…no classes, kids sleeping in or going off to jobs or studying in their rooms (or doing laundry…ha ha). There wont be any faculty around to talk to. If your child will be in honors, the Honors College office will be closed. </p>

<p>It shouldnt be too early to schedule a campus tour…it is done online. </p>

<p><a href=“”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama;

<p>Some find it easier to arrive on Sunday, tour Monday morning, and then get back home Monday night. Even if it is a game weekend, the hotel rates wont be crazy on Sunday night because game-goers leave Sunday morning. </p>

<p>@mom2collegekids I read your post about using the HC to arrange our visit. I actually did not know this and used Engineering but they did include the HC on our tour. We visit on the 25th. Should I rearrange/change this? They have us meeting with Susan Alley at 11:00 right after our general tour at 8:30. Engineering facilities tour and lunch ( they are treating us!) follows honors at 12:30. At 2:00 we meet with Dr. LeClair ( Physics) and at 3:00 Dr. Shen (Aero and Mech.) Who should we speak with about the CBHC? Anything else we should do? Should we bring copies of transcripts, AP and ACT scores?? </p>

<p>No, you dont have to change what you’ve got so far. They have you meeting with Susan and that is fine. </p>

<p>You can email Susan and ask if she can set up a meeting with Dr. Sharpe or Mrs Batson to discuss CBHP after your meeting with Dr. Shen. When my son went, he did leave a copy of his transcript and scores with Dr. S who seemed to have kept them. But, you dont have to bring anything if you dont want to. </p>

<p>Give Susan a copy of your schedule so she’ll know what has already been planned.</p>

<p>@saismom‌ </p>


<p>Can you meet with HC even if you don’t have your ACT/SAT scores yet. DS took SAT last year and didn’t quite get the score he needs. He plans on taking the ACT in Sept. His PLAN score anticipated a 31-33 so should we include that?
@mom2collegekids We already checked out football schedule and that is not a home game weekend. We are coming in from NC on Sunday and hopefully touring on Monday. </p>

<p>My son is very interested in UA. We toured the school in March and are going back in September to specifically look at the Honors College. Who would you recommend we speak to when we are there? Neil is arranging our tour of the HC and honors dorms. I am just unsure of what else we should do or see. </p>

<p>@BLUEJAY1518‌ </p>

<p>My son had already been accepted into the HC when we visited, so I guess that could possibly make a difference (although I doubt it), but if you tell Neil what your son is interested in studying, he’ll set up a great day for him. </p>

<p>My son is an incoming undeclared engineering student, and I explained to Neil that he wasn’t sure about engineering (but thought possibly mechanical) and wanted a place with good Arts & Sciences in case he decided to switch over to math. </p>

<p>Neil created the following customized schedule for my son (and it was pretty near-perfect in every way):</p>



<p>Obviously, you don’t need to do the guided tour again, so maybe have Neil arrange for your son to sit in on a class or meet with some HC majors in subjects of interest to him. We had a wonderful ME major tour us around the engineering school and the Honors Ambassador we had lunch with was an absolute gem too. I can’t tell you how impressed I was with both these young women!</p>

<p>My only other suggestion is that you visit one of the more traditional dorms just in case he wants to consider that as a more affordable option (or he, for whatever reason, enrolls too late to get a good shot at honors housing.)</p>

<p>Thank you for your help. </p>


<p>Yes, you can. Just indicate that PLAN indicates a score of 31-33. </p>

<p>@BLUEJAY1518‌ </p>

<p>What is his major? If he doesnt yet know, is he a mathy/science kid or humanities?</p>

<p>@mom2collegekids‌ </p>

<p>He plans to do the pre-med route. </p>

Ok…but what will his major be?</p>

<p>@BLUEJAY1518‌ </p>

<p>@mom2collegekids‌ </p>

<p>Biology. </p>



<p>My son is very interested in UA. We toured the school in March and are going back in September to specifically look at the Honors College. Who would you recommend we speak to when we are there? Neil is arranging our tour of the HC and honors dorms. I am just unsure of what else we should do or see.</p>


<p>Ok, ask the two HC recruiters if they can arrange for y’all to meet with a Bio prof. </p>

<p>Does your son have a back-up plan/career if he changes his mind about being pre-med (75% of frosh premeds never go to med school.)</p>

<p>@mom2collegekids‌ </p>

<p>His next plan would be physical therapy. </p>