Visit recommendation?

<p>My son from MA was accepted and we paid the deposit in early November–now we just need to visit. I thought I saw in a past forum that someone suggested NOT attending University Days, but I can’t seem to find where I read that. He is not in the Honors College, and is undecided as far as a major is concerned. Can anyone enlighten me as far as how we should proceed? Should we just book a regular tour and then explore on our own? I have seen the recommended restaurants, etc…</p>

<p>The more I read, the more I am convinced he will love UA. Just need to approach this the right way!</p>

Congratulations. We are from NY and our son will be attending in fall 2013. You should set up an official visit thru the admissions office or your area recruiter. They can best suggest what you definitely want to cover and the crimson ride tour will give you a great tour of the entire campus. If he has any idea as to what area or major type he will study I suggest contacting the dept head of that area or arrange thru admissions to visit that school or dept. The dorms are beautiful as well as the surrounding campus.</p>

<p>We visited during University Days and enjoyed it very much. I think the break-out engineering Q&A session was what sealed the deal for my S. It wasn’t the personal experience that others here have had…but it was what my S needed to experience.</p>

<p>You should not visit on UDays if you’re a senior and it’s after dec. the UDays for the new year are for juniors…about the app process and scholarships, etc. </p>

<p>Contact your recruiter for help with your day. Set up a campus tour first and tell your recruiter the date and time</p>

<p>Since this thread is titled visit recommendations, are there any good yet cheap Asian restaurants around Tuscaloosa? I’m driving from California to Georgia at the end of Winter Break and passing through T-Town.</p>

<p>What do you consider “cheap”? We like Bento Japanese on The Strip (west of the stadium).</p>

<p>As Mom2 + RTRMom2 both say (different things), I would attend BOTH* Uni days + your own privately arranged tour - the serve different purposes. That is why my son and I did - we did both. While my son and I both enjoyed our private tour immensely, it was the by-chance encounters we had w/ some students on Uni days which helped us make the right decision. You will get different things out of the two different types of tours. Uni Days is feverish - there will be 100’s of people all herded along together, and many chances to view the large-ness of the school and understand its effervescent spirit; the smaller tour will provide you with a chance to zero in on what interests you and only you in UA in the first place. Both will be well done.

  • Arrange these tours so they fall within a day of each other, back-to-back; I did not mean for you to make two separate visits.</p>

<p>And, if you are passing through Birmingham, the Flat Top Grill chain of restaurants is excellent - they are only 18 of these in IL, IN, WI, MI, and AL (surprise!), and these are primarily in college neighbourhoods. For $10 lunch and $13 dinner, you choose your own heaping serving of fresh stirfry veggies, noodles, rices, meats, sauces, and add-ins. They then cook it all for you and bring back to your table. Add $1 more for unlimited trips (which I have no idea how people do that, as it is a ton of food the first pass through). Tuscaloosa needs a Flat Top!</p>

<p>Thanks for all your replies–I will start planning our trip. Not sure if we can swing both a University Days session as well as another regular day, as those dates are few and far between…I may also try to have my son meet up with a current student that he knows. Can’t wait!</p>