Visiting Alabama/Honors College questions!

So we are visiting UA on Nov. 18-20. I want my son to get the most out of his visit…we go on the campus tour in the afternoon and we have an Honors tour in the morning. What should my DS be asking to see…honors housing? He’s been accepted as an Exercise and Sport Science major but is already thinking about switch to Marketing ( he wants to be involved in the sport world, business side) is it hard to switch majors from Education to Business? Should he try to do this before we go so that he can see the marketing/business department? He also wants to join a fraternity- is there anything he can do with this when we’re there? We want to make the most of our visit!

I just got back from a visit and the tours are awesome! I don’t really know what you should ask but it’s extremely simple to switch majors on the Mybama account

Your son should ask to see whatever he’s interested in seeing. If he’s interested in both Exercise and Sport Science AND Marketing, he can ask to meet with professora from both disciplines, or ask to sit in on a class. The Honors College will generally set up lunch with an honors student. If he’s interested in any of the special programs (CBH, University Fellows, Blount, etc.) he could ask to meet with someone about those programs. I think the general tour includes seeing a suite-style dorm (at least it did when my daughter visited a few years ago).

Since you have the better part of 3 days, YES, do both and ask to see and sit in on both classes/programs. Do not be shy in asking - this is your time to talk and meet with as many people as you can, and see as much as you can in order to make up your mind about UA. If you are interested in seeing a traditional style dorm, evidently you can ask to see a model of that one too. Be sure to build in at least a little ‘alone’ time where just you/family can soak up the atmosphere without having a schedule to keep with others. The campus is extra beautiful at night.

Is there a difference between the campus tour given by the Honors College and the undergraduates admission tour?