<p>what's the art department like- I heard it wasn't that great.</p>
<p>Don’t know about the visual arts faculty or program. My son is in music and is a big fan of the faculty. Pomona is building a new studio art building to be open in 2013. [Pomona</a> College Plans a Vibrant New Center for Studio Art - Pomona College](<a href=“http://www.pomona.edu/daring-minds/news/2011/08/25-studio-art-building.aspx]Pomona”>http://www.pomona.edu/daring-minds/news/2011/08/25-studio-art-building.aspx)</p>
<p>I was just wondering, since this topic was brought up but never addressed directly.
After reading this thread- <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/pomona-college/907231-risd-vs-pomona.html[/url]-”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/pomona-college/907231-risd-vs-pomona.html-</a> I was under the impression that the program is not that hot.</p>
<p>A top LAC has a very different focus from an art and design college, it’s true. But Pomona is clearly making the investments to offer a fantastic studio art program. Have you researched the offerings through all the 5C’s? Did you ask the admissions office to put you in touch with the art department?</p>
<p>That RISD vs Pomona thread really wasn’t about Pomona’s art major - which is an art major in the context of a liberal arts education. It was about selecting a conservatory art school vs. a liberal arts college art major. Huge differences between the two. If you want to take a variety of subjects and get a rich education in many areas - Pomona would be a better choice than an art school.</p>
<p>I don’t think that thread actually compared Pomona’s art dept to those at other LAC’s and I’d be surprised if Pomona’s wasn’t equal or superior to most of those. Also - you can take art classes at Scripps too. Good luck in your decision.</p>