<p>Is anyone familiar with the Visual Communication Design program? Daughter is interested as it appears to require fewer art/art history courses than many graphic design programs. It appears that very few students are accepted into the program. Does anybody know how many students apply for these few spots? I am confused on when students apply for the program, before or after they start attending OSU?</p>
<p>Any information greatly appreciated! Thanks!</p>
<p>My daughter just got into industrial design program, but entrance requirements are pretty much the same for all three design programs. There are about 16-18 spots for each with 5-6 applicants for each spot so there is no guarantee. Entrance exam is posted on the design department web page in the beginning of the December. I believe this year exam is still there. </p>
<p>Thanks, marinapus. Is your daughter already a student there or will she be starting next fall? My concern is that my daughter will get accepted to a university, but never make it into the design program and will have to switch majors.</p>
<p>This was my concern too. But in my daughter case she was not sure if the design is the right thing for her. She had good art background but never took any desing class at all, so she wanted to try it first and at the same time make sure she did not cut off all other options completely (although she did not have any specific major in mind).
And yes she got into design program as a college freshmen (she enetered OSU as pre-design student). Everybody was advised in the beginning to have a sound back up plan just in case.
So, design at OSU is not the best choice for the person who really want to major in it and only in it but if not OSU will give a lot of opportunities to sample other things.</p>