Vocal Help/stressing out!

<p>Ok so recently since I came back from college my singing voice started acting up. My voice gets tired very easily and recently started to sound hoarse and scratchy. I gave it some vocal rest...and now just very recently when I sing or even talk I feel a sharp pain at the very bottom of my throat a bit below my adams apple. My throat has never acted or felt this way before and i'm literally freaking out, because I don't want any vocal damage. However before I left for winter break my voice teacher said she thought I was fine, and I can still belt in my upper register and still sound powerful. I'm doing everything she's taught me to the best of my abilities. However the quality to my voice has changed and something sounds off to me at least. My parents said they don't hear any difference, but something feels wrong to me. I really want to get checked up at the doctor or eventually scoped, but my parents don't see the point. They really don't get that my voice is all I have esp since this is the career i'm picking. Any help would be greatly appreciated...or thoughts or concerns as to what the problem might be?</p>

<p>If you are truly concerned, I would recommend seeing an otolaryngologist (also known as an "ears-nose-and-throat specialist). Better safe than sorry.</p>

<p>It could be something like too much pressure from pushing too much air, which can in time cause lots of problems, which is of course a vocal technique problem. Or it could be a node, etc. I agree that a trip to the ENT and getting a scope is in order. If there is damage, intense vocal rest is in order. If there is no damage you have to go back to your technique, ie breath support, proper laryngial placement, jaw placement and tension, neck tension or any other strain you feel anywhere, save for the abdominals when engaging in support. Depending on the belt placement it could be over pressurized with improper support. One should look to more classical roots to fix any technique problems. In any case this is good process to undertake for any singer. (This information comes from my VP major son.) Good luck!</p>

<p>Coach C, it would be great if you could weigh in. It sounds as if this young man needs help.</p>

<p>It sounds like you are experiencing muscle tension dysphonia, which means you are using the muscles around your voice box (larynx) too much - even subtlest amounts of this can cause pretty extreme pain, esp. if you use your voice a lot. Being able to belt has very little to do with vocal health for anyone, because that’s actually the last thing many people lose when they are fatigued or injured, because you can “push through” belty stuff. </p>

<p>Where are you located? You def should go straight to a laryngologist - a general ENT will probably not know what’s going on as specifically as you need to know. If you tell me where you’re located, I can refer you to a great place. This website can also do so:</p>


<p>(Hope this is ok to post - I’m not affiliated with this website, it just contains some great info for voice specialist referrals)</p>