Voice Coach/Professor gift?

My DS is graduating with his BM. He’s had a phenomenal experience with his voice coach/professor. He’s been in her studio all 4 years. She has pushed him beyond anything he could have ever expected and is now considering a professional career in singing because of her. Their bond is very tight. Would it be appropriate to give her a gift at the end of the semester? If so, any ideas as to what would be a good gift?

Our kid gave his applied teacher a gift certificate to a restaurant that the teacher really liked. He did the same when he got his masters for that teacher.

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Thank you! I wasn’t sure if they were allowed to receive a gift from someone they were giving a grade to! :wink:


We gave the gifts to these folks right at graduation time. Grades had already been given. We didn’t give them prior to when grades were issued.

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My kid has been baking treats for his professors/conductors as a ‘thank you’ for recommendation letters. They have been very appreciative of the thought/gesture.

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We gave gifts to my D’s voice teacher and coach for both UG and grad school. We did know that all liked wine quite a bit (as do I) so we bought some nice bottles of wine, put them in a gift bag and hand them out at my D’s recital. It never crossed my mind that it could be thought of as a bribe! And aren’t studio classes P/F? I can’t remember. Also I know wine could maybe raise some eyebrows…but I grew up in WI…in the 70s…so I was honoring my heritage and making it classy by trading out beer for wine (I AM half French!). They were all appreciative…but yes a gift certificate or baked goods are nice alternatives.

Edit - I did look at the gift as more from us parents than my daughter…for taking such good care of her. I’m not sure if my daughter did anything separate. In that case, the baked goods is a really good idea. She is still in contact with her UG teachers almost monthly, I believe. Unfortunately her grad teacher passed away last year.

This seems like a special bond and voice /acting coaches for 4 years seems to be. There might be a particular book that they want. We actually got 2 tickets to a play in our area for one of them.

Thank you, these are great suggestions! His last lesson was today and I got the text about how sad it was. He’s not an emotional kid so I know this is a special person in his life. He is performing in her studio class on Friday and he invited us to attend so I wanted to have the gift for that afternoon. I was hoping to come up with the perfect keepsake that had some meaning, but time is running out! I’m sure a gift card or wine will do the trick! I could also wait until graduation in two weeks if I can come up with the perfect present:)

Not at my kid’s undergrad or grad…all received letter grades.


Since you are giving the gift…I think it’s fine to give it as a thank you for preparing your kid so well for his final recital. Does your student have any ideas? Mine knew this teacher very well…and knew the sorts of things he might like.

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I still want it to come from him…I’m just facilitating the purchase! lol
And since it should be from him, I did want it to be personal, but we’ll see.
She’s quite particular. He said she really only likes opera. And milk chocolate!

Really good chocolate can be a very nice gift!!

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Have him ask if she has an online subscription to the MET. We got this for our D last year and she watches it all the time. Kinda depends on what you want to spend. Its around $150 for a year but if you cannot get to the MET it is a way to see top notch talent online


I am glad someone asked this question. My kid will graduate next year and I would like to give a gift to his teacher as well. I was thinking about a good bottle or bourbon or a good bottle of wine. I guess we will wait until the graduation after all the grades in.

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Love this idea! Is it only on demand or can live performances be viewed?

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If the prof. loves opera perhaps look here. Visit Our Store | Met Opera Shop
I remember my D got her violin/orchestra prof. a mug from the Met Opera (we were there for a performance) that said “Bravo” and D said he got a kick out of it.

It is on demand plus past performances - I think if there is a recording it is available. She has talked about watching some stuff from the 80s. I am not sure if there is a live option. I do know there is no way you could watch all the content. We plan on renewing for our D for a while since she is an opera major