Volunteer Abroad for a Semester (Spring12)

<p>Hi yall!
I am graduating a semester early (December 2011) and would like to volunteer in Latin America for a couple of months instead of doing my last semester. Does anyone know of good volunteer orgs where I will be with a decent sized group of people and where most volunteers are late teens/ in their 20s. I found some legit seeming orgs but am skeptical that since I would be volunteering during a typical school semester I might be placed by myself somewhere or with a bunch of middle aged volunteers. This is really big for me since all of my friends will still be in school or won't be able to afford a random 2 month getaway to Costa Rica, etc so I want to make sure it would be fun socially as well as a good volunteer experience.
Also, I am looking for an org that does not require college credit. I'll be out of college at this point and am just looking for a more personally enriching way of learning that sitting in a classroom biding my time until graduation for 4 months. Plus I don't want to pay any more private school tuition!! </p>


<p>Oops! saw another post that has some great info on this, but I would still love any personal experience stories, or if you have a friend, sibling, 5th cousin… who did any type of “voluntourism” program please tell me about it!!</p>