Volunteer & Community Service section on UC App

<p>I have not done alot of this!!!
Anyways, I did a bit in 9th grade, but not that many hours. Like I probably did community service twice. How do I fill out Hours per Week and Weeks per year?</p>

<p>Can someone give me a list of what counts as volunteer and community service? HELP</p>

<p>It says on the UC app: “Examples: unpaid math tutor for elementary school students, youth leader at church, Habitat for Humanity volunteer, hospital volunteer.”</p>

<p>You should try to recall any volunteers or community services that you’ve done in the past four years. Think harder!</p>

<p>I did one volunteer/community service for four consistent years - I participated in a Youth Orchestra that provided me community service hours for playing in it. (How it works, I still don’t know, but I know it counts as community service.) I put that in there.
If you don’t have any volunteers or community services, then you should just leave it blank but focus on other sections of the application. Good luck!</p>

<p>It’s community service as long as you weren’t paid…
If you don’t have any just leave it blank.</p>