VS Pink!

<p>We’re number 25!!! When does voting stop?? I don’t want us to get kicked off the top 25!</p>


<p>december, I believe. gotta keep us up there! :D</p>

<p>Jesus Christ, I thought it was going to end in a few days or something. I’m not going to sit here and vote for the next 3 months!!</p>

<p>december!? why are we rushing??</p>

<p>Because if we didn’t, then the other schools would have a way bigger lead on us when crunch time DOES get going and it’d be impossible to catch up. This way, we can just maintain our spot on the top when it starts to drop and other schools try to win.</p>

<p>good point. hahaha.</p>

<p>Yeee 19th place. I’m a guy and I’m interested lol. Can’t let no dang banana slugs win.</p>