VT admission - international (universal studies)

<p>I know lots of you here are american citizens, so whenever you guys talked about Early decision and stuff, I felt so excluded since all international students cant apply early decision, and even regular decision. All I have got is one choice for this college, applying as an international student. The deadline is Feb 1st, so i figured out the college pretty much consider international students as their relatively unimportant, last choice. </p>

<p>But here is my question though. I have lived in this country (instate - VA) for about 2 years and Im not an american citizen(of course) nor do I have a green card for permanent residence. I believe all international students are expected to pay out-of-state tuition, but I live in state. Does that make me pay in-state tuition? Would there be any disadvantage because of that? Also, my family is going back to Asia next summer (which is why I'm graduating while I'm a JUNIOR) what is that going to affect me(tuition-wise)?</p>

<p>Ethnicity(im not sure if they care or not) : Asian male (oh yeah most excluded)
And here is my GPA(weighted) 3.735
SAT Reading 610
Math 800 :)
Writing 740 (essay 9)
No ACT</p>

<p>APs - Biology (currently taking)
Computer Science (currently taking)
BC Calculus (currently taking)
Psychology (currently taking)
Statistic (taken last year)</p>

<p>my GPA in freshmen/sophmore years is horrible(3.735) but this year I have about 4.5 GPA in 1st quarter. I hope they consider that too. Do I have a decent shot at getting in?</p>



<p>Come one guys… Really?</p>

<p>Since Virginia Tech is a state school, being an international does give you a slightly disadvantage but with your grade, I don’t think that should be a problem. I’m sorry to say that you do have to pay an out of state tuition because you are not a citizen nor permanent resident. This also give you trouble applying for Financial Aid through FAFSA, because this only reserved for citizens and non citizens-- which means you will not be able to get help from the government. </p>

<p>I think Early Decision is not an option for International because if you get in, you will HAVE TO attend here as a contract agreement, and since International Students have to pay full price, financial usually an issue for a binding agreement.</p>

<p>Thank you so much for your reply!</p>

<p>Do you think I have a chance of getting in though?</p>

<p>You’re solidly in the top 25% for SAT and near the bottom 25% (but really close to 25%) for GPA. You’ve got a shot at getting in, especially if you bring up your GPA a bit.</p>

<p>Tuition will be OOS as far as I’m aware and your access to student aid and subsidized loans will be negatively impacted since you aren’t a citizen. I have no clue how the whole student visa or whatever you’d need to live here legally thing would work. I strongly suggest getting on contact with someone in the international office at VT to help you figure that out now in case there are processes that need to be started now.</p>

<p>Appreciate your reply. My had about 4.5 GPA in first quarter this year. So i think that is going to help me right?</p>