VT Coronavirus Spring 2020 - Online classes only remainder semester (spring break extended)

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Link crashing off and on but summary:

Spring Break Extended until March 22th
Dorms and Dining halls will be open as of March 20th
Classes however will not be held in classroom but will be online remainder of semester (classes resume March 23rd)

Students are encouraged not to return to campus before March 20th

Anyone with an individual concern related to the transition to online instruction should contact the Office of the Dean of Students at dean.students@vt.edu or 540-231-3787.

All events of over 100 people cancelled - this includes the following:

Principles of Community Week events
Ring Dance
Faculty Women of Color in the Academy National Conference
The Big Event
Relay For Life
The 3.2-Mile Run in Remembrance
Caldwell March
Spring Family Weekend
Black Alumni Reunion
Regional campaign events
Ut Prosim Society Weekend
Hokie Focus
Spring Open House

As above this includes prospective student days - Hokie Focus and Spring Open House! See announcement below including upcoming online virtual experiences for prospects.

Admissions: The Virginia Tech Office of Undergraduate Admissions is following the direction of the university and canceling the spring Open House, Hokie Focus, Gateway, High School Spring Break, special group visits, and all daily visits. We are creating a series of virtual Hokie experiences and we will be sharing details as soon they are ready. Registrants for all events will receive emailed instructions on how to participate.

Thanks for the information. So, face-to-face instruction is cancelled but dorms and dining halls are still available. Interesting.

So far. But many think final i fo coming tomorrow and on campus may be very limited.

I think residence halls and most if not all dining will remain open, with dining winding down some hours or locations depending on use. Ramping up the cleaning schedule for the res halls isn’t a difficult thing to do, and I believe dining halls could be substantially less crowded - I figure in general a lot of freshman parents are going to ask/demand their students stay home, especially the OOS kids.

Student affairs just sent updated info re: on campus housing and dining. Refunding $1,000 of housing contract money to any who do not return to their res hall - required to communicate student’s intentions by 3/18 and schedule move out date. (Parents of current freshmen, if it’s “rolling” move out this will be a little silver lining compared to the usual end of semester crowd). Returning students can have remaining dining plan $ roll over into Fall.

Btw I’m hearing rumblings that VT might be about to get more restrictive as far as what behaviors are allowed on campus. There are a lot of concerns among locals about students throwing parties and not taking the situation seriously, so Blacksburg police will continue to crack down on those types of gatherings.

I was there Friday to move my son out. Blacksburg locals all over campus walking their dogs and mingling about. So don’t know what locals concerns are … and my personal opinion is what is the issue with students gathering (not high at risk population or at risk area in blacksburg - may even be area gets restrictions loosened in the coming weeks).

Nope, the ‘under 10 people’ restriction applies to everyone. The New River Valley has a lot of older residents, so when people see large groups of students partying (not all students of course, many are following the rules) they get nervous. The area does not have medical facilities to deal with a blow up in cases. Families and small groups of students out walking are not the problem. You can’t say that any place is low risk at the moment. That’s why Blacksburg police and VT have been trying to address the issues.

Also, ‘low risk’ population means low risk of dying. It does not mean low risk of contracting the virus and spreading it to others in the town.

actually - low risk in terms also applies to specific communities - Blacksburg is low risk - like Richmond maybe normal risk - New York high risk.

those type determinations will be clarified at some point - government can’t continue acting like the entire country is high risk and should be 100% shut down.

Anyhow - this is a debate not appropriate to the forum