VT corps of cadets vs. the citadel

<p>Hi i applied to virginia tech and im still awaiting an answer for admission. I applied to the corps of cadets as well. I want to major in Computer Engineering. </p>

<p>I recently got accepted at The Citadel, and i was wondering which school would be better to go to. Also, which school has a better military program (favoring the Air Force).</p>

<p>Thanks for the help guys</p>

<p>Im currently in the VTCC. Its hard to compare it to the Citadel since they live in a strict 24/7 military environment. Here, your freshman year is still pretty restricted. You wear a uniform to class, live in cadet dorms and go to formation every day. But you still get to be a part of a major civilian university.</p>

<p>I applied to Corp of Cadets when I applid to VT. I recently found out I got accepted to VT for Aerospace Engineering, and wonder when will I hear about acceptance to the Corp?</p>

<p>If youre accepted into the school youre automatically in the Corps. Youll get a packet with information in the mail at some point.</p>

<p>if i get accepted at vt do i get to turn down the vtcc offer? i think they told me if i change my mind i would have to pay the admissions fee. im not sure though</p>

<p>Youve been accepted to the school as a cadet. So, no you cant turn down admission to the VTCC. You will not be able to leave the Corps until after Red Phase (unless you are willing to leave the school for a semester). It will all be explained to you in the information packet, and then at summer orientation.</p>

<p>If youre really concerned Id suggest calling the Commandants staff directly.</p>

<p>As much as I respect the corps and it’s place at this university, I’d like to remind Nick that all cadets are civilians as well unless they’re already enlisted in one of the armed forces.</p>

<p>Im not sure what you mean. I didnt say anything otherwise. </p>

<p>And by the way, contracted ROTC cadets actually are technically enlisted in the reserves.</p>

<p>yay, i got accepted at Virginia Tech :)</p>

<p>niiice job man, how did you find out? because I am in the same boat, I just haven’t heard back yet. I’m guessing I’m most likely denied now.</p>

<p>Well i got an email today saying</p>

<p>"Dear Tyler,</p>

<p>Congratulations on your offer of admission! As you face the task of choosing a college, I wanted to let you know that not every university can offer you the quality education and wide range of majors and activities that Virginia Tech can. Come see for yourself!"</p>

<p>then it says come to the gateway 2010 program, blah blah blah</p>

<p>havent got the letter yet, but im pretty sure its on its way :)</p>

<p>I did my year in the Corps. ROTC cadets are not reserves. Thanks for playing.</p>

<p>I dont know why you have animosity towards the VTCC. Maybe you had a bad experience or something. </p>

<p>Also, look back again. I never said any cadet is on active duty or should be considered in the “military”.</p>

<p>Still. Either way, youre wrong. ALL contracted ROTC cadets are in the reserves. Otherwise, how would we get military IDs, security clearances, and the pay thats needed for summer training? But you did do a year in the Corps, so I guess that makes you an expert.</p>