VT Early Decision Admissions


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So - my son’s father has a friend who works in admissions, and she says it is TODAY! Good luck everyone!

I just read on another thread that someone has a friend that works in admissions. That source says that today is the release day. Who knows…at least we know this torture will end tomorrow at 5 at the latest.

Goods luck everyone! wish you all the best

A friend of mine’s father called admissions and apparently they told him that today was the day! Good luck everyone!!

Does anyone know what time decisions will come out?

i’m guessing at 1 PM, praying for that acceptance lol

I think in years past they have posted on Twitter a time.

are you sure? its almost 2 and they usually post on twitter by noon

Most likely. Two reports from people who work in admissions say it’s today - may just be more toward the end of the day. They had graduation today too, so that could be delaying things.

Also, they have a new head of admissions so he could have changed how they notify, just a thought.

My admissions source said it will be posted on the guest account. Didn’t say anything about twitter or any other form of announcing.

I’m not holding out hope that it will be today. The last two years, they tweeted early in the day that decisions were ready early. Nothing yet.

who thinks it’s gonna be today? i’ve seen on twitter that they have replied to people that it will b saturday

Our contact in admissions said definitely today by 5:00. I guess we will find out in the next couple of hours.

I have been told from our admissions contact that decisions will post at 5:00 p.m.TODAY.

I just read one of the VT admissions tweet replies that @e50503 was referring to. Just 3 days ago they did tweet reply it would be Saturday by 5

I think that is their standard reply that it will by the 15th by 5:00. All I am saying is that we have a personal contact at the admissions office who said it would be today (Friday) at 5:00. I doubt they would be in the office on a Saturday, anyway, but again I guess we just have to wait it out and see.

My son’s ED Decision has posted! He has been accepted!

My son is COE bound!