VT Honors question

<p>DS applied RD. He indicated on his application that he was interested in the freshman honors program. He has already received notice of a presidential grant but no acceptance notice. He has the published qualifications for the honors program but no notice was received about that. </p>

<p>Now one of the VT web pages says that you should be invited to apply for honors but suggests that you can apply even if you are not invited. Also it says that the deadline to apply for honors is on Feb 1 (tomorrow!!!). </p>

<p>Does anyone know how to find the honors application form or how to make the application for Honors? </p>


<p>there was a software problem with the application portal for some people - it got fixed</p>

<p>I also indicated that I wanted to be considered for honors. I have a 3.92 W GPA but only 1280 SAT 1600 so I don’t meet the SAT requirements. Does anyone know if they are strict about this or would they maybe make an exception because my GPA is high?</p>

<p>I think the cut-off is strict but you can get into honors later at Tech if your GPA is high.</p>

<p>You can also still get into Honors later if your HS GPA was initially too low(the opposite scenario from charlesmyboy). Son’s SAT’s made him honors eligible but his HS GPA did not. He was invited to apply after he did well his freshman year. Didn’t apply but was invited so I do know it is not too late to get Honors once you get to VT. Good luck to those waiting to hear their decision from Virginia Tech!</p>