VT or Richmond?

<p>I'm a freshman at Tech right now, and I was just accepted at the U of Richmond as a transfer for next fall. I was really excited at first because I thought that Richmond was a good school for undergrad business, but I have recently been coming up on that it isn't that great and that it's not even comparable to UVA. Is Richmond better than Tech and would it be worth transferring? Also, to go to a "better" school is not my only reason for transferring. I also feel tat I could be a lot happier somewhere else. Thanks!</p>

<p>To answer your first question, no, I don’t believe Richmond’s business school is better than Tech’s, objectively speaking. </p>

<p>However, that is a different issue from what you really seem to be asking. If Tech is not the right “fit” for you, then you need to figure out why that is and then search for a school that does not have those characteristics. If you do that, then that school’s business program will be the right one for you, regardless of whether it’s ranked higher or not.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>jenster918 - sorry I can’t shed any light on your question…but I am curious because my daughter is a high school senior right now and has been accepted into both schools. she is leaning towards VT. I would be interested in any insights good or bad that you have learned while at Tech…feel free to PM me if you like and good luck on your decision - what I can tell you is that my husband as well as his father and my daughter’s aunt and uncle all went to U of R and had great educations there…but the school definately has a different feel to it than Tech - not good or bad - it is just a different college experience and a lot more expensive : )</p>

<p>Hi jenster, I think I remember you posting before about transfer options. I am sorry Tech hasn’t been a good fit for you. I attended UR and its business school is tremendous. I would put it on par with UVA’s especially in certain fields. But, VT and UR couldn’t be any more different. </p>

<p>Things that I would bring up if either of my kids were thinking of transferring there:
Richmond is small, and for that reason many of the social groups that form the first year during orientation/early first semester tend to stick together throughout the four years. If you aren’t a very outgoing person you may feel like you aren’t coming in on even ground in that area.</p>

<p>The cost. UR =Very high. Can you afford three years, maybe more if you can’t transfer all of your credits? Check into pre-requisites for business classes, too. If you don’t have those and you have to take specific ones at Richmond before you can take higher level classes, you may need to add a semester, summer school, etc. Because it is a LAC, Richmond is very specific with core requirements. Check these things before you make a decision.</p>

<p>Finally, the feel/atmosphere of the two schools. You are going to find more students from very privileged backgrounds at UR. Many students with a lot of family money and a totally different social climate. I am not saying that with any negative intent, it just is the case. Have you visited there and stayed on campus for a day/overnight? It would be a good idea if you could swing it.</p>

<p>Best wishes to you as you decide!</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the input. Also, cost is not an issue for me because I am an independent student and I got a lot of grants, and Richmond is actually going to cost me 8000 dollars less than tech is right now, which is another reason that I feel I should go. Also, I plan on going greek so hopefully, it won’t be too difficult to meet new people once second semester comes. Does anyone know much about their greek life and if it’s significantly more difficult to go through recruitment as a sophomore?</p>

<p>I graduated right before they started sororities on campus, so I can’t comment. Joining one would hopefully help in getting to know people and feeling more a part of the school. </p>

<p>Richmond isn’t VT in terms of having school spirit. That is one area that as an alum, disappoints me to this day, so I would think having a small community like a sorority to be a part of would benefit you. I would post your question over on the University of Richmond forum. Maybe there are some alums that have a Greek background that can answer your questions. Good luck!</p>