VT or UVA engineering

<p>@ReachForDreams‌ Oh my god! Thank you so much. That is awesome. Since getting a high GPA is challenging, I am just curious if getting those big internship/research opportunities highly based on GPA? Also, if you know, I would like to know approx. how much software companies pay VTech students over the summer (just as a comparison to other colleges). Thanks for the information. Oh, and I forgot: when do students start getting these opportunities for CS majors? is it possible for a freshmen to get all of this? Once again thank you so much. Would you recommend a freshman to attend the fall fair or wait till the spring fair to have a real chance? You just tipped my scale. Thanks!</p>

<p>@agg999 GPA is important, but only to a certain level. For example, most companies decide that if a student’s GPA is over a _____, they will consider them. Sometimes this is a 3.0, sometimes a 3.5, and for very competitive opportunities, occasionally a 3.7. Pretty much if you have over whatever GPA they have as a baseline, you are fine and they will be focusing on other things like your resume. I have some friends getting paid around $18/hour on the low end, and $27/hour on the higher end. As a Freshman you definitely can get these opportunities as long as you do the work to put yourself out there and find them. I have many friends who got internships the summer after freshman year, did research freshman year, etc. I would recommend attending the fall fairs just to walk around and observe what’s going on, ask questions to employers about what they look for, etc. and then attend the spring fairs as someone looking for opportunities.
Glad I could help!! :)</p>

<p>For a Grad degree, which one should be easier to get into (Assuming both take in similar number of students/ class)? </p>

<p>you may want to start a new thread given this one is old and people may not know you have a recent question</p>

Admission into VT is much easier, so you’ll be surrounded by much smarter people at UVa. Getting into UVa from out of state is comparable to getting into an Ivy League school. And 1/3 of the students are out of state, so that gives you some idea of the brainpower of the student body. If you’re lucky enough to get into UVa SEAS, I’d highly suggest you not look that gift horse in the mouth. But if you did want to be a veterinarian and have a career literally looking gift horses in the mouth, Tech would be the better place.

@UVaChE84 , a little presumptuous, aren’t we?

US News ranks VT 21, UVA 39.

And this is a really old thread for your post.