VT SRAR not Transmitted

My S linked his SRAR to VT and PITT. There was some type of error when he was linking on the VT site. The VT site now says that “Your self-reported academic record has been submitted successfully”. It also provides a “SRAR ID”. That “SRAR ID” is the same ID listed on the PITT site.

BUT, when going to the SRAR PITT site, it shows the “Linked Colleges/Universities” as VT and PITT and it lists PITT as “Transmitted” and gives the date, but the VT “Transmitted” section is blank. I am concerned that the VT SRAR has not actually been transmitted. Anyone else have this issue? Has anyone else been able to successfully submit the VT SRAR? Thanks!!

My son had this happen as well. There is a green envelope icon (next to a trash icon) in the SRAR section where it lists the school. My son had to click on the envelope to resend an email to himself which verified his email address. Once he received this email and clicked a provided link, his address was verified and the SRAR indicated “transmitted” where previously it had been blank under the “transmitted” heading. Hope that helps?

Mine shows up as linked under third party applications but I don’t have the check mark for linked or transmitted. Do you know if there is something that I need to do to get the linked checkmark? It automatically worked for Pitt.

@philli3s I’m having the same issue. I have been been going back and forth with the help desk but it has been incredibly frustrating and time consuming. They said it’s in the system and to wait 24-48 hours for the SRAR to be accessed. But you would think it would at least list it as linked, not blank. I’m not convinced that the problem has been solved. No problems with an earlier submission to Penn State. Really hoping this does not mess up the EA date for VT.

@lagdpg yea Penn State and Pitt worked fine for me. Some of my friends said that some colleges allow a day or so for like sats and SRAR to get in after the deadline but I still don’t think it will get in on time. Maybe call up VT and tell them about what happened and they might be able to make some acceptions but that’s if you get lucky, we will probably need to apply for regular decision.

@lagdpg also mine shows up as linked now but I still think it takes a couple days to be transmitted so it will still be late. That’s my fault though, I didn’t realize that you needed to manually link it to your coalition since my common app did it automatically.

I submitted mine on 11/21 but it says it was received by VT on 11/22. Seems like it only takes a day to process, so I wouldn’t be too worried about it if you just submitted it yesterday.

@philli3s The thing that is annoying is that VT asked that it not be sent until after application is sent. I could have sent it in October otherwise. This better not throw things off. I have a link date listed as 11/30 so hopefully even if it is not transmitted on time, it will be okay.

It is now listed as being sent on 12/2. I’m sure that’s fine since they must know after linking it takes a day or two for it to be transmitted. I may just call admissions.

@lagdpg I’ve seen the VT admissions account on this forum state that the SRAR can be turned in at a later date after the deadline but “ideally as soon as possible”