Vt vs TAMU engineering ?

<p>Hello everyone,
As an international engineering student, I have been accepted by Texas A&M university ( Industrial & Systems engineering). After reading news about VT on IE magazine, even tough VT and TAMU have close ranking, I though VT might be a far more prestigious school. What I understand is VT is kind of a prestigious school around Washington DC and Virginia region, because of the importance of the state (DC), this makes VT among the top respected schools, is that really true? On the other side Texas A&M has a unique Aggie culture, and affordable tuition cost, and very speedy developing engineering department.
I just want to make sure if I`m getting all this right. Would that be easer to find a better job if you graduate from VT? OR is it easer to get accepted by Ivy league school for Masters (MBA) after graduation?</p>

<p>VT is ranked a little higher in engineering (8th public, and 14th overall, with 8 programs in the top 20 with specialty ranking). VT definately has a lot of prestige around its area, but so does TAMU in Texas. I would say VT is probably more prestigious outside the respective states/areas. They are both great schools though. As for VT into ivy, you can look at last years graduation survey. I know for my major, ChE, nearly 90 percent had job offers or offers to grad school by graduation. The average salary was 62,000 (something like that, i no it was over 60k which was enticing for a right out of college salary). And a lot of the engineers were going to top grad schools (MIT, carnegie melon, etc.) I'm sure TAMU kids get good offers too, though. chose whats best for you</p>