Vtech Final Highschool Transcript

<p>Hi, I got off the waitlist recently and I was wondering if my final highschool transcripts would be a big deal. I had a E first semester and Vtech still took me off the waitlist but 2nd semester I have bad grades too and am really worried about them takeing away my waitlist offer. I have already turned in my deposit and everything. I also emailed them regarding my situation throughout the year and my health issues that have been affecting my work ethic, but I am still nervous. Anyone have any insight on this situation. Im sure they get many emails like this, but I also have medical records that could support what I have said.</p>

<p>You’ve already done the most you could by emailing admissions. I would just wait and see what they say. I know some people who have also been worried about rescinded admission because of getting Ds as final grades on the HS transcript, but it didn’t happen since it was their only bad grade. I don’t know what you’re particular situation is but admissions probably handles things like this on a case by case basis.</p>