VTech or Penn state???

<p>I got into these two places and I know that they both have strong enginnering programs.
Which one should I go????? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...</p>

<p>That's a tough one. They are both nationally ranked programs. If you can, you should visit each campus.</p>

<p>I've visited both PSU and VT. If in-state tuition and location aren't of the matter, I'd say go to VT. Much nicer campus and part of the country.</p>

<p>Our son was in the same situation with acceptances to both schools. We are PA residents & he chose VT. His reasons were that the classes & student population at PSU are HUGE. The forum where they hold intro science classes seats over 1000. Also, we don't know a single engineering student who was able to graduate in less than 5 years due to not being able to get into classes. The cost of PSU isn't that much lower, so that we figured that if he has any chance of graduating from VT in 4 years (& we know a student who did), it will cost us about the same amount. PSU has alot of classes at night. PSU has a gym requirement. He loved the Ware Labs at Tech. He loved the campus atmosphere at VT. The professors at Engineering Days were very friendly & helpful. The food is ALOT better. The dorms are ALOT nicer. I think that's about it :)</p>

<p>hmm, well but in terms of ranking, PSU is higher than VT..(my dad cares a bit about ranking, asian dad)...
are there many asian students in VT?? because Im asian, and i know that PSU has lots of korean kids...</p>

<p>ranking is comparable Penn State 16, VT 21</p>

<p>yea,, well just to correct,, Penn State 16, and VT 19. (3 schools are tied)</p>

<p>There are a LOT of asians at VT...Especially if youre studying Engineering...haha.</p>

<p>Actually as per most recent USNWR (9 mths old) PSU 16, VAT 17 in Engineering, PSU 48, VAT 73 Overall National Ranking.</p>

<p>well, does national ranking really matter??? ill be studying enginnering, and penn state and vtech hv 1 rank difference... and I hear that vtech has better dorms and stuffs...</p>

<p>I have not been to VAT yet and can't comment. On our visit to PSU we saw only one of the older dorms, Mifflin Hall, nothing to write home about. However, PSU has so many options. I have heard that VAT dorms are nice, but **************.com gives VAT a C+ for Campus Housing and B for Off-Campus Housing. They give PSU a B and B+. Depends on who you talk to if you haven't seen it for yourself.</p>

<p>The stars are **************. The thing I have read on CC that makes VAT sound better is the higher likelyhood of graduating in 4 years. However, as per PR both schools have a 44% rate for 4-Year graduation and 74% for VAT and 80% for PSU for Grad in 6 years.</p>

<p>Sorry email to find out stars. college *******.</p>

<p>definitely penn state. Penn state is top notch is the state, but VT is mediocre in VA.</p>

<p>Thats one of the worst arguments ive ever heard in my life. They are both the best Engineering schools in their states respectively. Choeh912 has been known for saying some of the dumbest **** on cc.</p>

<p>college ******* has the <strong><em>tiest and worst review books EVER PERIOD!! i bought Virginia tech and purdue books ($30). they are each written by a student from each school, and i could tell the student at purdue was absolutely obsessed with purdue and was pumping it up soooo much it was disgusting. the virginia tech student was trying his best to be as unbiased as possible. the ratings for each school (A, B, C, D) are absolute BS and they seem like they are picked out of a hat, because they barely correspond to the quotes that are shown for each section. i have heard so many bad comments about purdue by word of mouth and other research, yet in the book you better look long and hard to find even one. the only thing useful is the quotes that the students give, the summaries for each section are garbage and so are the ratings. to decide on 2 different schools because one has a B and one has a C on college *</em></strong>** is noooot smart. ok, done venting about my wasted $30.</p>

<p>i dont blame you entirely tho, because i also looked at those ratings on the website and thought they were somewhat legit before i bought the books. good luck deciding.</p>

<p>and choeh your comments are absolutely outrageous, you posting here makes everyone dumber.</p>

<p>"definitely penn state. Penn state is top notch is the state, but VT is mediocre in VA."</p>

<p>Except for the fact that in PA - Penn is the top and in VA- UVA is top, and after that, as far as STATE rankings, PSU and VT are comparable....</p>

<p>...just so you know.
Plus, other than UVA/William & Mary, VT is the best in the state. Likewise, Penn and a few others, and then PSU... very similar STATE rankings.</p>