<p>Does anyone have any experience with the scholarships that Wagner offers? Are they stingy, generous, or in between? I’m asking about theater awards as well as general merit or need based awards.</p>
<p>I would say they are generous, from my D’s experience and from a Facebook group I saw last spring. Many kids got money for grades, athletics, and performing. My D was offered 10k from Theater and 10k from Music. I really love this school! Have you visited yet?</p>
<p>Hi, thanks for the info. We have not visited yet but are planning to go for audition Mar 1. I am hesitating because of the cost of the trip - we have to fly. We’re closer to Chicago and getting several auditions done there but not Wagner. So if the scholarship chances are not good I was considering cancelling. Now, are the two offers your D has mutually exclusive, does she have to pick Music or Theatre, or can she accept both awards?</p>
<p>My daughter’s friend is on the waitlist for theatre program but accepted to the school and she has the most generous scholarship I’ve ever heard of!</p>
<p>My D was originally offered a music scholarship. When she was put into MT performance tract her music scholarship was rescinded and replaced with a higher theatre award. This academic/theatre scholarship was double that of any other school offer. Just about 50% tuition, and if her sats were higher there was a higher level she could have gotten. I hope this helps.</p>
<p>Does anyone know what the requirements are for academic scholarships at Wagner?</p>
<p>They don’t have them listed on their website, at least not that I can find even doing a search on their website.</p>
<p>They give the scholarship for academics WITH the artistic scholarship-you get a package offer. In other words, after you audition, if they like you they will send you the entire package. My D was awarded $17 or $18 thousand for academics and arts scholarship combined—(that was for vocal performance) the theater performance award would have been $20-24 they told us if she got off the waitlist. She chose not to go there but I would say they are very generous is you have good grades, test scores and they want you artistically. I personally loved the school-she liked it but it didn’t end up on the top of the list. Hope this is helpful.</p>
<p>Like CalMTMom said, it’s a package offer. You will get money if you have good grades/test scores, and of course, if you get accepted into the program. I am currently in the MT program and received good test scores and grades (I submitted my ACT score, as it was much better than my SAT score). I was awarded $70,000 over the course of four years.</p>
<p>That sounds about right. $17,000-20,000 per year for 4 years. They are generous I think</p>