Hey guys,
I was recently put on a wait list at my top choice school.
My question is: should I contact my interviewer (current student of this college) and kindly ask about any advice how to get off the wait list? Or it is not recommended? I think my interview went good.
Thank you for your help!
@Madeleine1997 - I don’t think it hurts to contact them and let them know they are your #1 choice, and ask if there is any additional information you can provide to help them with the decision. I wouldn’t phrase it “How can I get off the wait list?” but make it more like you want to help THEM… 
@toowonderful thank you so much for your help! Do you think that “If you had any advice that could be helpful in this situation, I would be very grateful for sharing them with me” would be good?
Since my interviewer is not part of admission commitee, should I still ask her about the additional information I could provide? 
Thank you again and sorry for so many questions, but I really want to make it right!
Have you let your waitlisted school know you are interested? That is always a nice “in” to the admissions group - a call/email letting them know you remain interested and, as suggested, asking if they need any further information from you.
@Madeleine1997 - I think that would be fine 
I completely agree with @artskids contact the waitlisted school to let them know of your interest. I have heard schools say that it can make a difference when they are deciding who to take from the waitlist.
Agreed with everyone. I’d only clarify you shouldn’t bother contacting your interviewer, but instead admissions. If you know the names of anyone who audited you, I’d email them too, and thank them again for the opportunity to audition, then reiterate your interest. You can cc Dean of the Theatre school as well, if he/she wasn’t amongst the auditors. When you reiterate your interest it helps to have one or two specific things you love about the school, and one or two ways you’d specifically like to develop. Also if it is your Number 1 choice, definitely say so. Good luck.
Thank everyone for the help!
@connections Do you think I should call Dean of Admission and talk over the phone about my interest in school?
@Madeleine1997, sure you can call! Lots of students don’t have the courage/maturity, so if you can, that would make you stand out. The Dean may be busy, of course, but it’s worth a shot I think. Good luck!
@connections thank you so so much for your help and advice!