So im starting at a pretty sizeable community college and i need two classes, which are waitisted. Im 35 and 32 on them and classes start in about 3 weeks and i want to know if i should still try to sit in on the classes or talk to the professor directly or what. Please help.
That could be pretty far down the list, depending on the class size. Are these the only sections open? (no 8 am sections that aren’t full or something?). What happens if you don’t take these classes next semester – are they pre-requisites for other classes, and does it throw off the potential timing for completing your degree?
I believe the classes are both for 40 people and these are the only ones right now. I only need 5 and these two are pre reqs for the 5th one which i was planning on taking in the summer. The faster i get these done the faster i can get into the nursing school i need to be at and im already 20 and still at my parents. The timing of everything is personal but i just really want to get it done ASAP.
Your odds are not good… you can go to class and see the profs on the first day, but it may not help. Do you have an adviser or counselor at your CC? You should discuss this with them.
I dont have one personally but ill go see if i can make an appointment with one. Thank you.