Wait listed at cal poly

My son just got notified that he is “waitlisted” at Cal Poly. Does anyone know what his chances are if getting in?

So did I!

Check their Common Data Set for average chances, but no one can know an individual’s chances.

In reading the SLO Class of 2022 thread, not great. But you just never know - depends on many factors including major applied for.

Thanks. His major choice was Economics. In looking at the freshman profiles from last year it seems that he had the grades and SAT scores to qualify. He got 1460 on the SAT and has a 4.3 weighted GPA and a 4.0 unweighted. He is a bit discouraged!

2017: 3168 offered waitlist and 15 accepted
2016: 1011 offered waitlist and 675 accepted
2015: 1888 offered waitlist and 134 accepted
2014: 1598 offered waitlist and 67 accepted

But, these overall stats are meaningless. CPSLO admits by major.

You need to look at the specific major to assess the likelihood of admission. Here is the data for the last two years. https://content-calpoly-edu.s3.amazonaws.com/ir/1/images/2017-18%20Enrollment%20Targets%20and%20Projections.pdf

By way of example, in 2017, economics had 902 applications for 70 spots. Actual freshman enrollment for economic majors was 90. So, one would presume there were no waitlist admissions for economics.

I would make other plans. Sorry. Cal Poly’s formula is complicated and there’s more in the MCA than grades and SAT’s.

Thanks for all your feedback. What is the MCA?

2017: 3168 offered waitlist and 15 accepted
2016: 1011 offered waitlist and 675 accepted
2015: 1888 offered waitlist and 134 accepted
2014: 1598 offered waitlist and 67 accepted

2017: 3168 offered waitlist and 15 accepted
2016: 1011 offered waitlist and 675 accepted
2015: 1888 offered waitlist and 134 accepted
2014: 1598 offered waitlist and 67 accepted

These are general #’s and you will be ranked by major. Individual #’s by major are not available, but since SLO was overenrolled last year, they are being cautious so the #’s may be similar to 2016 where they take many students off the waitlist.

i got waitlisted last night so does anyone know waitlist chances for admission this year ??

Does anyone know what the chances are of getting into Cal Poly SLO if you have been waitlisted?

First of all, know that no school defines you. You are the only one capable of defining you. What you do, not where you go, will be what does that.

That said, you are still in the hunt. Congrats! We knew after last year’s over enrollment that this year would be different. I have no solid data to confirm this, but my suspicion is that they are being ultra conservative in offering acceptances. That should mean that a higher percentage will get off the waiting list. Again, I do not know this to be true, but it makes sense, especially in light of the stats required to get an outright acceptance.

In the meantime, if you’d add your information to the Final Status thread linked below, it will be very helpful to future applicants. Just put the info requested, Major, In or Out of State, MCA, and waitlisted. Add an update later after you know.

Thanks and good luck!


Hi Gumbymom! I appreciate your expertise on CC and wonder if you could help me.
I have been looking at the CDS and the info you posted on CC but I can’t seem to figure out about a specific college and the waitlist for it. According to my Portal I have been waitlisted for Ag Business last week (on Tuesday)
it stated I am qualified but due to the number of applicant I have been place on the waitlist for Ag Bus.
Can you give me any insight regarding past Ag Bus wait listers! I realize every year is different and CP is playing it safe this year with last years over enrollment issues but what do you think Ag bus. looks like as far a chances of making it off the wait list and into the Ag Bus. program?

Wait List Cal Poly Slo for Ag business. Anyone else out there with me?

Lets keep each other posted in regards to hearing anything back for
Ag Business wait listers!

@sbhs18: Unfortunately there is no waitlist data specific for each major. I am sure that the waitlist is ranked for each major but like I stated in my original waitlist post, SLO will not tell you where you stand.

SLO’s projection for Ag Business was 100 spots with an expectation of 557 applicants. Depending upon this major’s yield (how many actually accept and enroll), they may accept up to 3X the # of spots so say around 300. This puts the acceptance rate at 53% which is pretty good for SLO and your chances.

Much will depend upon the # of true spots that are available as accepted applicants decline their admission and how you compare to the other Ag Business Waitlisted applicants. Only SLO will know this information.

As many CC posters have pointed out, being waitlisted is admissions purgatory, meaning you do not know if you should continue hoping or move on.

My advice is to move on and get excited about a school that really wants you. If you do get off the waitlist, consider it the “icing on the cake”. If you do not hear by May 1, you will have to commit to another anyways so look at all your options. Remember where you go for Undergrad will not define you, it is what you do with the opportunities you are given that will make you successful.

Best of luck.

did anyone else get waitlisted for nutrition???

Wise words Gumbymom! I have good stats and have received 3 other acceptances via EA already, (my fav so far is U of Oregon) and I patiently await 4 more colleges here in Cali that I am excited about!

I agree it’s not about where I go that will decide who I become!

One thing I think would be a negative in regards to the CP Ag Bus waitlist is that Cal Poly is prob the premier college for this program and therefor most who applied will jump at the chance!

I was however hopeful since I received my waitlist status on Monday, immediately following the Ag Bus acceptances. Some of my friends have not heard anything, unfortunately I think they are OUT of luck.
Maybe you can continue to advise CC readers to OPT out of CP admissions as soon as they decide on another college to hopefully make room for the qualified wait listers!

Let the waiting game begin!
Thank you again, I like your CC posts.

@Gumbymom, where are you are pulling the waitlist stats you quote below? Are you saying that in 2017, 3168 students were on the waitlist (all majors) and 15 of 3168 accepted? 15 sounds much too small! (my son is waitlisted ME) Thanks!

2017: 3168 offered waitlist and 15 accepted
2016: 1011 offered waitlist and 675 accepted
2015: 1888 offered waitlist and 134 accepted
2014: 1598 offered waitlist and 67 accepted

@BayAreaCAMom 15 were admitted from the waitlist of 3168 students.