<p>Did you get an option called "priority waitlist" in the letter or online?</p>
<p>I know someone who got the option for "priority waitlist" last year. It was kind of a binding thing if I remember right. It meant that if a spot opened up you were required to take it. So it was for those who wanted CMU as their first choice if it became available.</p>
<p>Thanks wct. Does everyone get this option who are waitlisted or only a select few?</p>
<p>Also, does anyone have figure for how many students are wait listed for SCS each year?</p>
<p>I don't know who or how many get the "priority waitlist" option.</p>
<p>Bump Bump Bump</p>
<p>lildude_ravi, </p>
<p>I don't know how many get priority waitlist but it's more like select few. I recall CC last May or June, posters were called by CMU and offered admission off the Priority Wait List. They didn't have long to reply, I'm guessing just a day or so. There were several posters who got in this way, perhaps you could search the archives from about that time last year.</p>
<p>If I don't get in-I would love priority wait-list. Even if I had a deposit down on another school, I would still go to CMU. No thought needed!