Wait listed to V Tech.. Question?

<p>It saids I find out my final notice on July 1st? Is this a typo? because I heard from past years that it was june 1st. I also have question about chances of getting in as wait list. V tech was my first choice so please tell me.</p>

<p>Thank you for taking your time to read my thread.</p>

<p>July 1st is correct.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.admiss.vt.edu/apply/freshman/waitlist-faq10.pdf[/url]”>http://www.admiss.vt.edu/apply/freshman/waitlist-faq10.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>To be completely honest and I hate to tell you this, but normally VT doesn’t admit from the waitlist. They have too many people accept the admission offer. Read that link I sent you. It has waitlist FAQs on it that should answer most of your questions. If you have any questions, I would say you should e-mail:</p>

<p><a href=“mailto:admiss@vt.edu”>admiss@vt.edu</a></p>

<p>They can either answer your question or refer you to someone who can.</p>

<p>So sorry about the waitlist. Son was waitlisted in '09 but did get off the waitlist in early June. Some years they go to the waitlist but others they don’t(or do very minimally).Good luck !</p>