Wait Lists & Financial Aid

<p>Hey CC, </p>

<p>First post here after following things here for the last year. My oldest D (Grad. Sr.) is reviewing her list of acceptances (6) but honestly still has an eye on her "Wait List" (3). She was accepted at a top 10 LAC with a great package but it was/is not her first choice, in fact she has a "lesser ranked" LAC on her wait list that she would prefer.</p>

<p>I expect she will take the admit she has but may also want to go on a "Wait List"</p>

<p>So my question, knowing that "Wait Lists" are a long shot - is it worth the stress of "Hoping" (Her parents are definitely ready to move on:), and more importantly how does a need for Financial Aid effect "Wait Listed" student...can you still receive financial aid or is the "Wait List" completely need aware. </p>

<p>Thanks for your input.</p>