Waiting List at LSE 2009

<p>Out of curiosity, did anyone see the screen that said that your admission decision status went from “in consideration” to a “must confirm and will let you know in one to two working days” ???</p>

<p>What does this mean? Did anyone else see this, or did a decision just show up?</p>

<p>Solale, I haven’t heard anything about the reserved vs. waiting list, unfortunately. Good luck though!</p>

<p>Schneider, do you mean “under consideration”? From what I understand, if your LSE status changes and it starts with “A decision has been made…”, you’ve been admitted. The official notification typically follows several days later. Good luck…</p>

<p>Crossing my fingers really bad.</p>

<p>Here is the thing cut and pasted: “A decision has been made on this choice and is being processed. Processing involves checking by a senior member of staff, and occasionally verification of one or more details by your Department.”</p>

<p>I got my acceptance this morning ! Yay!</p>

Im desperately looking for someone who is on the reserve list like me!</p>

<p>congratz, are you going? I been waiting like 3 weeks for accommodation…</p>

<p>King : I am going. It is pretty unlikely that I will get into Oxford, seeing as the dept. I applied to takes 12 people [Euro Politics]. Plus, I applied in the last gathering field - so I won’t even know for another month or two.</p>

<p>I am hedging my bets on LSE, plus I have some contacts there that I would like to keep going.</p>

<p>Yeah - housing…I hear it is a mess. Want to PM me and let me know what the deal is…</p>

<p>Hi Solale,</p>

<p>I, too, am on the reserve list- I noticed this when I checked the online application tracker today. I also have no idea what the percentage of people on the reserve list who are likely to be offered places is either. I think its just one of those things you have to wait for. All I know is that the reserve list has the ‘stronger’ candidates on. I googled ‘LSE reserve list’ and found this thread, so I thought I’d tell you that we’re in the same boat! I’m applying for Msc IR (Research) and straight Msc IR. What were yours again?</p>



<p>Anyone with questions should google The Student Room, an English website.</p>

<p>It’s the equivalent of CC but in the UK. A lot of insider info and plenty of talk about LSE.</p>

<p>I applied for MSC public administration and governance in management department in Mid JUNE.
the department came back with follwoing mail</p>

<p>"We have now passed your file back to Graduate Admissions. They will decide on whether an offer can be issued and will let you know (hopefully within a week or so). As I mentioned the recommendation from the selector was that we should issue you with an offer for the programme.

<p>so i would be getting offer/reservelist…
what are my CHANCES OF OFFER.
Can something can be done from my side.</p>