Waiting List SOM class of 2020

My DD2 applied to Binghamton SOM and was waitlisted. We’ve decided to move on and evaluate other College acceptances. I thought I’d post her stats for future applicants, Bing is our Financial safety and I thought was a match for my daughter’s stats but I guess I was wrong and so was her School naviance. Her GPA is 4.87 (W) ranked 18/500 students. 6AP’s. , 19++ SAT, varsity player since Freshman yr. VP of Student gov and a few more ECs. We are NY residents (Asian) w/ 27K EFC . In hindsight it probably would have helped if she visited or have shown more interest. I guess I was being a selfish making my DD apply. It would have been a big savings for us if she got accepted and decided to go. Oh well my plans do not always work out. :frowning: