Waiting on other Schools, Emory needs deposit

Hello fellow transfer students, I’ve applied for transfer at 6 institutions for spring term and have been accepted at Emory and deferred to fall term by Colorado College. I’ve asked for an extension to Emory, and received a one-week date(12/8) to submit the nearly $500 to hold my spot. However, I’m still waiting to hear from my top schools, (Wellelsey, Smith, Oberlin and Whitman). I will hear from Wellesley on the 7th, but I’m worried that if I don’t get in, I would need to pay Emory. What should I do about this dilemma? Can I ask schools to hear a decision sooner due to time constraints or is that a big no-no?


Do you want to go to Emory? If not, don’t pay your deposit no matter what Wellesley says. If you are OK going there, and you don’t get into Wellesley then depositing might be a good idea just to hedge your bets.