Waiting, waiting...........

<p>Ok, I used up some waiting time here lately trying to get my CC log in to work on new computer. To no avail. So, I have changed identities and am back on-line! </p>

<p>I am curious as to how everyone is doing waiting for those appointments! My son is Triple Q'd (Admissions office verified that when we up about a month ago for CVW). We are hoping to hear by Christmas of MOC's nominations......his staffer told Son "things look good, really good." Also told me that they typically do not have 10 applicants for USNA. They submit an unranked slate. And MOC has two openings and one graduating...</p>

<p>Anyway, what are y'all doing to pass the time waiting?</p>

<p>I guess I am feeling hopeful, especiallly if I get little tidbits of info every other week or so. The week prior to Thanksgiving, there was a mid at son's high school on a recruiting mission. I went and listened and visited with the young man after his recruiting talk. He mentioned that our area (way out in west Texas) is a high priority area, which surprised me. He said a couple of his friends wanted to recruit in their home areas before Thanksgiving, but were told that "your area is not a priority,we have plenty of apps from XXX." </p>

<p>March seems like an awfully long way off!</p>

<p>My son is concentrating on his back up colleges. He is very busy applying to Honors programs, scholarships, etc. His MOC interview is Saturday–so he is also preparing for that.</p>

<p>He isn’t stressed out about this process–he says he has done everything he can and is just concentrating on his final semester of High School. He is calm and resolute. I am not!! I completely sympathize with you!!</p>