Waitlist 2013 Question

<p>I got waitlisted for engineering and I am wondering when we will hear back about the decision. The FAQ says July 1st is the latest so Im guessing late June is when we hear back. Or do we hear back hear back earlier than that and is it by mail, e-mail, or phone call?</p>

<p>Sorry about the waitlist. My son was deferred ED and then waitlisted RD in 09’ so I feel your pain. Each year is different. Some years they accept few if any off the waitlist. 09’ was an anomaly in that they waitlisted 2800 kids and accepted about 800 off the waitlist. They must have really miscalculated how many to accept initially that year. He got an email on June 4th from Admissions congratulating him on being admitted .It said a paper copy of his acceptance had been postmarked that day and he had until June 12th to respond. Any acceptances will probably come in waves, anytime after May 1st up until July 1st. Good luck!</p>