Has anyone been notified about whether they are accepting students off the wait list yet?
I read somewhere that there is a small chance that they would notify students in late April. I also read in a past thread about the wait list that people were notified on May 6th. Thanks!
The last date for accepted students to make a deposit / reserve a place is May 1st. I presume that CC won’t know how many spots are open for the Wait List until May 2nd. That’s not based on anything official, merely a guess on how things work.
I have not gotten a call or an email from them yet so I am going to be hopeful and assume they haven’t started to take students off the wait list yet. If anyone hears back from CC though, I’ll really appreciate it if you would let us who are still waiting know about it.
I just called them and they said the earliest they will start taking students off the wait list is next Monday. Good luck everyone!
@Constancesx3 I got an email asking me to confirm my interest yesterday morning, and that said the admissions committee would meet and discuss this week. Confirmed my interest remained, and got accepted on Base Camp last night
ecstatic. Best of luck!
Congrats CMM I will see you there in August!!