Waitlist at UW Madison - OOS Data Science. Should I be hopeful? Next steps?

Someone just posted this on the other Madison thread (sorry, I don’t know how to paste a post properly, so forgive the quotations marks).

“UW could do a better job providing waitlist data. True, if you average the numbers from UW’s Common Data Set for the past 3 years, a total of 2886 out of 13426 applicants on the waitlist were admitted, which is 21%, or roughly the “one in five” as stated in UW’s waitlist FAQs. But the problem is in the details. For the class entering Fall of 2020 (the Covid year) a whopping 56.3% were accepted off the waitlist, whereas in both 2021 and 2022 only a scant .3% got off the waitlist. Specifically, only 14 out of 4335 (2021) and 11 out of 4006 (2022) were accepted off the list. In other words, over the last two years, approximately one in 334 students on the wait list have been offered admission, a sharp contrast from the “one in five” as stated in UW’s FAQs!”

That’s extremely misleading and unfair to anyone who was waitlisted. Based on this data, anyone waitlisted should move on and love the school(s) that love them back.