waitlist chances

<p>First let me apologize for posting a new thread on someones old thread...new member faux paus!! Second, let me apologize to all who read thread written in wrong thread for my repetitiveness!
on to business:
will it make a difference if you contact school you are on wait list for that you no longer need financial aid? Due to recent death in family, financials are drastically different. Also any pointers for letting school know you are truly interested in making it off wait list??
PSAT's all over 90 percentile, straight A's this year, athlete for 7 years, active in community service, poet...and so on. (Repeat Junior)</p>

<p>I would certainly call the school and let them know about the change in circumstances. Be prepared for a somewhat awkward moment if they ask what changed and you tell them. I might be at a loss of whether to say, “I’m very sorry for your loss.” or “Congratulations.” Of course, diplomacy has never been my strong point! I’m sure the people at the school are more well-bred than I am. :)</p>

<p>Seriously though, I would call. I am sure it’s happens every year that extended family will step up and raise the money. I don’t know how often it is due to an inheritance, but it’s probably not unheard of. If you suspect that your son was waitlisted because of FA, then it could very well make all the difference in the world. Certainly call soon - before April 10.</p>

<p>As an aside - sometimes estates can take a very long time to settle, especially if they are large and need some liquidation. You should probably make sure that funds will be available in time.</p>

<p>thanks for reply. Once breaks are over(I think the 27th or so) I will call. Although sizeable, it has been 3 monthes and should be settled in time for payments. I have downpayment burning a hole in my pocket. Thank you for condolences and my father will be pleased his money is going for education and not a yacht.</p>

<p>Send him to St. George and he can spend a semester on a yacht! </p>

<p>All kidding aside, I am sure your father is pleased that you are investing in his grandson’s education. What a wonderful legacy to leave behind!</p>

<p>I hope all works out well for your son. I don’t know how much room they will have for a junior - but hopefully they will make room. Make sure that you emphasize (or better yet, have your son write to his interviewer) that he is willing to turn down an acceptance because he thinks their school is that special.</p>

<p>My own son is on a waitlist and even though he has no real possibilty of getting off of it (FA makes it that much harder), he will still write to his interviewer, thanking him for his consideration and support.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>It will not be at all awkward telling the school you no longer need aid and no questions will be asked. This happens all the time as many find relatives willing to help when they realize FA is the problem.</p>