Waitlist Discussion - Fall 2019 Virginia Tech

Discussion Thread for Fall 2019 Waitlist

I think you’ll get in eventually - just a long stressful wait ahead.

@cbl1 Thanks! Just wondering, why exactly do you think I’ll get in eventually?

@cbl1 @victorbernstein

I got in with about the same stats (3.8 W, 32 ACT), and strong ECs and course rigor. I’m from NOVA too, but I applied for International Relations, and my application for that major, irrespective of school was extremely strong.

It really depends if they draw off the waitlist - they wrote that one year they took about 1800 off of waitlist and the next year no one came off the waitlist. My son was waitlisted: 34 ACT; 3.64 gpa; 8 APs plus honors. Unfortunately Tech is very data driven so there was no way to off-set low gpa with recommendations.


Your gpa is a tad low but your day makes up for it. Last year they started waitlisting a lot to avoid the issues the prior year with too high a percent offered admission accepting. I imagine they have a good sized waitlist this year.

It maybe worth a discussion with them if changing to university studies would make a difference (as business school isn’t restricted to transfer into anyhow)

I think that waiting until July 1 is a long time. With people having to commit to schools by May 1 you would think they would know before well before July 1 how many spaces they have. Does anyone else think this is a long time?

That would be worse case - others have said in past they were pulling people in April off list.

Rutgers follows a similar process. They stated no later than August 1st , but my son was accepted into engineering less than 2 weeks after being waitlisted on January 30th. Who would have waited until 8/1??? People would be packed up and ready to leave for school by then.

I was waitlisted also but for BIT. Does anyone know how they pull off the waitlist? Like do SAT/GPA matter or is it basically random? Best of luck!(:

@priceyprize Offers to come off the waitlist are driven by space available in the college/major you applied for. So in your case, if some of the BIT acceptances do not matriculate then you could be offered a spot. There’s no data I’ve seen anywhere to support that VT’s waitlist is any larger this year vs. previous years. As others have posted, there really isn’t any trend.


Waitlist stats from last few years below but unsure if you can really gleam anything from it for your given situation. Hoping the yield on offers will continue in such a way that taking people off wait-list every other year will continue for you…


2017-2018 WL Offers 3485, accepted 0 (the letter from VT says they did have offers though???)
2016-2017 WL Offers 3588, 2405 stayed on WL, accepted 1697
2015-2016 WL Offers 2188, accepted 0
2014-2015 WL Offers 2294, 1580 stayed on WL, accepted 750

You are missing last year’s data - they offered 1896 off of the waitlist. So I hope the pattern doesn’t continue. ?

@lapdpg Shoot…I forgot the 2018-2019 data. Hoping with the new apps/process yield is low so the WL is drawn upon for all.

After over accepting in 2018 I believe they started relying much more last year (and hopefully this year) on the waitinglist in filling up the class.

Here is last years waitlist thread http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/virginia-tech/2061699-virginia-tech-freshmen-2018-waitlist.html

Waitlist for my son:

Early action - waitlisted
Out-of-state (TX)
4.08 weighted gpa
1430 SAT

Waitlist for my son:

Early Action - waitlisted
In State (NOVA)
3.92 weighted GPA
1360 GPA

*1360 SAT Score

I know that they aren’t going to be taking people off of the waitlist anytime soon, but does anyone know how they notify people that they’ve been accepted/are off the waitlist? Through the portal? Email? Phone call? Mail?

I’m quite confident it will be by email! @victorbernstein