Hello everyone, I recently checked my student portal and accepted the offer of being put on the official waitlist.
I am a bit concerned since I am out of local with a flat 3.0 GPA…
Does anybody know how the process of the waitlist works and my chances of being offered admission?
Thank you so much!
Being put on a waitlist just means you have to wait for others to say they won’t be attending the school to be moved up. Your chances of being accepted depends on how many people who got accepted choose to go to CSUF.
I’d add, you should treat it as a rejection. Aggressively pursue other schools - if they change their mind, you can reconsider.
good luck.
@shaswizzle oh I see now, thank you so much! 
@NCalRent that’s how I’ve been treating as because I know it’s all based off of the people that accept/decline their admission
luckily I have CSU Channel Islands as my backup, I got accepted to them!
Can I ask when you applied at CSUFullerton and for which term? I am looking at my portal and I am seeing that my To Do List shows that transcript requests have been initiated. I also see the Accept/Decline button, but not sure what to make of it yet. Any tips?
@SoCalGal2017 I applied for the Spring 2018 term but was sadly rejected 
I re-applied for the Fall 2018 term!
I highly recommend you send your transcripts ASAP and if you have already, the message regarding them will disappear from your account once they’ve processed them. The accept/decline button was there when I first applied as well. For right now, you disregard it. As for the application status, you click on the ‘view details’ or something like that when you log into your portal.
Best of luck! 
Hello @Olivia0602! Thanks for the response. First time transfer application for me. May I ask you a few questions? Im sorry to hear you were rejected for Spring 2018. May I ask what your GPA was when you applied? Did you apply for an impacted major? I’m an Anthropology major for Fall 2018. By any chance, did you have your Golden Four completed? Where you IGETC or CSU certified? I’m not certified yet (still need stats) so I was wondering what my chances were with a 3.1 GPA at the time of my application.
Any tips you can share are appreciated!