Waitlist help..Boston College vs NYU

hi so I was committed to Boston college, but I just got off the waitlist at NYU and I have 4 days to decide…
Both cost relatively the same. I love cities and the east coast, but not having a campus makes me nervous bc im a lot more shy and introverted and heard it can be isolating if you are. I love BC’s tradition, Jesuit values (not religious though), D1 sports, alumni network, and campus but nyu is in New York!!!, probably more prestigious, and more of an artsy vibe (more my speed in terms of students- dont like preppy buisness vibe) so idk what to do

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You clearly would prefer BC.

Not sure of your major but prestige may be irrelevant. And short of a few majors, I could find a person who would claim BC is more prestigious for every person you can find who would say NYU is.

And btw prestige means nothing. You’ll be on campus for four years, day after day. Prestige doesn’t make that daily experience different.

Which do you prefer ???

Based on your writings I’d say BC. You’ll find your more artsy crowd there too.


I think BC and NYU are equally prestigious at the undergrad level. If it were law school it would be different, but it’s undergrad. That being said, I don’t think you should worry or care about prestige when you’re comparing relative peers.

One notable caveat might be if you wanted to end up in finance/consulting/wall street, where NYU Stern is highly represented. But even then, Carroll would be an adequate substitute.

It sounds like BC is the better fit for you. NYC is great, but so is Boston, and NYU really has no campus. So if you want a traditional campus experience, there’s only one option here.


BC isn’t in a city and it is preppy, but it is a far more traditional college experience. I think you need to prioritize your requirements and see how each school compares.

Sounds to me like you prefer BC - but both are great options. Two reasonable people could make two different choices.

Your post-graduation future will have much more to do with what you accomplish at college rather than which one of these fine colleges you attend.

Congrats on the acceptances! Let us know what you decide.

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Hi- Firstly, congratulations on achieving great options. That is a tough decision and not a lot of time to decide. Thought I would share the following as it may be helpful.

My D’23 had originally considered NYU for all the reasons you mentioned, but we were given feedback from trustworthy sources that NYU can be very tough socially due to the lack of a campus and not the easiest undergrad experience. My D feels it would be a better option for grad school.

We attended the Eagle Day at BC in April and while we had expected uber preppy students we didn’t find them to be all that preppy. Staff and students alike were friendly, helpful and genuine. BC is definitely overall very pre-professional, but my D found The English department impressive and the English students edgy and artsy, so while not a huge artsy community they do exist at BC. My d was also pleased to find out about many alumni in interesting art related careers.

My daughter said despite NYU being more prestigious, preferring NYC to Boston, and wanting a more artsy than a preprofessional environment, she would definitely pick BC as it’s objectively very good, a nice campus which will make socialising much easier and a good community.

My d would be happy to connect directly if you would like.

I personally think BC over NYU for undergrad. My daughter had to choose between nyu, bu, and northeastern for grad school, she wanted a city campus after spending 3 years on a very traditional campus for undergrad. She loved starting out on a typical college campus, but is a city girl at heart, BC seems to have the best of both worlds.

Hi! Thank you so much! If she doesn’t mind that would be great to connect with her.

We visited BC in April and my daughter really disliked it because of the white preppy boarding school vibe.

It was the least diverse school we visited.

She thought it would be near the top of the list because she loves Boston but ranked it at the very bottom after visiting.

However, the campus is beautiful and would offer that traditional college experience.

Of course! She will message you in about an hour.

What do you plan to study ?

To which school or program at NYU were you admitted ?

Social life at NYU will be expensive.

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