Waitlist Info

<p>Has anyone heard any buzz about whether anyone thinks they will pull from the waitlist? From what I hear, last year they did not pull anyone.</p>

<p>fourkirbys, Here is a copy of part of The Common Data Set showing information from last year (2007-2008). I tried to copy the entire link, but was not able to. You can find all of the information if you do a search on VT's website and type in Common Data Set 2007. It may give you some insight into this year's statistics (although it may be different this year, who knows?) Hope it helps.</p>

<pre><code> Freshman wait-listed students (students who met admission requirements but whose final admission was contingent on space availability)

Yes No

<p>Do you have a policy of placing students on a waiting list? x<br>
If yes, please answer the questions below for fall 2007 admissions:<br>
Number of qualified applicants offered a placed on waiting list 1444<br>
Number accepting a place on the waiting list 1444<br>
Number of wait-listed students admitted 52<br>
Is your waiting list ranked?<br>
If yes, do you release that information to students?<br>
Do you release that information to school counselors?</p>