<p>Thought I might make a thread for everyone to post waitlist information on schools. I'll start by saying that the Lawrenceville School will not be turning to their waitlist and that their waitlist is closed. I have asked whether the Peddie School is turning to their waitlist, but I have received no call back yet.</p>
<p>Anyone else know anything about other schools? Anyone want to give advice for fellow CCers? :)</p>
<p>I fail to see how a school can categorically state that “it will not be turning to its waitlist.” Four months will transpire before September is here. How can they be certain that enough of those who stated their intentions to matriculate will actually do so when push comes to shove? As a parent, I can tell you that it hurts to write the check. The only plausible explanation is that they underetimated their yield and are ovenrolled and are hoping for summer attrition. Finally, what does it mean that their waitlist is “closed?” I surmise that all it means is that they are not open to rolling admissions and that no further additions to the waitlist will be made. Boarderkid, I see your posts and I feel for you. I do not mean to give you false hope, but I think that the game is not over until August.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure that ‘closed’ means that the school has filled up all available spots with accepted or waitlisted students.</p>
<p>Thanks for the post, pan1956, but apparently Lawrenceville will be sending out the formal letters sometime this week.</p>
<p>Right. And as I recall, you are on the waitlist. So if some of those declaring their intention to enroll change their minds, then they turn to the closed waitlist.</p>
<p>Andover’s waiting list is closed as well.</p>
<p>Asiankid29, I’m pretty sure you told me but I completely forgot, which school are you planning to go to?</p>
<p>Pan1956- sorry to disagree, but in the many years that I have followed this, if a school tells a waitlisted student that the waitlist is “closed,” they mean it. I know you think that many families will back out when they get the bill, but I just don’t think that’s going to happen. The really desirable schools get new applicants through the summer, and can easily fill their empty spots with those kids. A lot of other schools still have openings, or have just completed a second round of admissions.</p>
<p>Biohelpmom, why wouldn’t the school turn back to the waitlist once more instead of looking those new applicants? Also, would you mind letting me know which other schools still have openings?</p>
<p>Boarderkid- I know it’s hard to hear, but they might have a family connection or a hook that the school needs. There is another thread about schools that still have openings- there are some good ones on the list!</p>
<p>Biohelpmom, so what you are telling me is that rather than fill late openings that result from attrition by drawing from the waitlist, schools actually TURN TO NEW APPLICANTS! On the one hand they offer hope to waitlisted applicants and on the other hand they turn their back on them and actually invite new applicants to fill late openings! Is such a scheme possible?</p>
<p>Well they’re not offering hope any more to waitlisted applicants when they tell them, clearly and in writing, that they are closed. And yes, I have then seen them take new applicants over the summer.</p>
<p>I guess they don’t expect a large number of families to back out. Taking in new students in the summer is more of a benifit to some school connections as there are so few than an urgent need to fill the spots.</p>
<p>Watertester- exactly. Families don’t sign these contracts unless they have a way to pay the bill. In these difficult times, people are willing to sacrifice almost everything else before their children’s education. And bottom line is- they are private schools. They can pretty much do what they want.</p>
<p>@ boarderkid
Oh that’s fine :]
I’ve decided to go to Exeter 
what about you?</p>
<p>Boarderkid- I’m helping a family friend with this, and I just looked at the list again. Here are some good schools in New England still accepting applications for the fall of 2009- Miss Porter’s, Kent, Kimball Union, Cardigan Mountain. Hope that helps!</p>
<p>My son is wait listed for 9th gr. at school that is currently over enrolled; so there is really no hope. We were all set for him to stay where he is, which is a great private day school and go through the process again next year for 10th gr. After reading posts on this forum and talking with my son about where he might want to look next year, I recently decided to get on the phone. He now has 2 schools extremely interested in him, and we are really excited. He had already interviewed at these schools in the fall, but did not submit applications. They knew of him when I placed the call. What I discovered is that these schools are looking for 9th graders. They are very interested in a full pay student who is interested in 4 years. One school I called is on the SCCA list and the others were not. So my advice to anyone still looking is to get on the phone and ask. I was very up front about my son’s grades and SSAT scores and our situation. I’ll let you know what happens.</p>
<p>pan said, "rather than fill late openings that result from attrition by drawing from the waitlist, schools actually TURN TO NEW APPLICANTS! "</p>
<p>Yeah, I know. This is why I wonder what a waitlist decision really means. It could mean anything from “If an opening becomes available, we’ll definately call you.” to “We’d love to have you, but you need more FA than we can, or are willing, to give. If you were full pay we’d have a space.” to “You’re a really nice kid and we don’t want to hurt your feelings (or get your well-connected family upset).”</p>
<p>I guess there’s no way to know without asking and I’m not about to ask.</p>
<p>Echo to Chelsea1’s post here–my D was WL at more than one top school for 9th grade, full pay. We waited till after April 10 to see if there would be WL movement, and when she was still w/o a spot, we woke up (thanks to listening to some help we got on this site!) and we expanded our search. This was late April. We had several schools who right away told us they’d be interested in her application. We ended up applying to 4 more schools that are often talked about on this site (none on SCCA list) and she’s now got an acceptance in hand and 2 more we believe are imminent!</p>
<p>I noticed fewer schools on the SCAA list this year also. Maybe some schools did not put themselves on the list because they don’t want a flood of inquiries from students who need FA. Unfortunately, for those who need FA, I think the wait list is essentially over.</p>