Waitlist position in Discussion vs. WL position in Lecture

<p>I just added a class in which I am #45 in the Lecture waitlist.</p>

<p>When choosing the discussion section, I chose the Discussion section with the least amount of people on the waitlist (there were only 5 people on the waitlist for this particular section, all the other sections had 8 people).</p>

<p>Does adding myself to the Discussion section with the shorter waitlist help me in any way in moving up the Lecture waitlist? </p>


<p>Yes - when you clear the discussion, you then automatically clear the lecture - the position in the lecture waitlist doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>If openings happen in other discussion sections, the first on those waitlists will clear first. It will only be once your discussion section gets an opening that its waitlist is processed. </p>

<p>If you pick a very desirable discussion section, you might not see as much movement on the waitlist even though other sections are turning over. However, in general, get on the waitlist for a discussion section that is reasonably low waitlist number and that you can live with, if in the worst case you can’t switch out.</p>

<p>There are couple of factors that may affect your waitlist position. Some classes in Haas look at waitlist number for the lecture only: [ugba-10</a> - FAQ & Policies](<a href=“http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/robinson/ugba10/faq_and_policies.html#waitlist]ugba-10”>http://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/robinson/ugba10/faq_and_policies.html#waitlist). </p>

<p>The Tele-BEARS FAQ offers a good explanation of how the waitlist generally works:</p>


Source: [Tele-BEARS</a> Frequently Asked Questions - Office Of The Registrar](<a href=“http://registrar.berkeley.edu/tbfaqs.html]Tele-BEARS”>http://registrar.berkeley.edu/tbfaqs.html)</p>

<p>The Poli Sci department goes a step further in its explanation:</p>


Source: [Undergraduate</a> Program - Requirements for the Major - Enrollment Strategies](<a href=“http://polisci.berkeley.edu/undergrad/requirements/pre/enrollment/]Undergraduate”>Requirements for the Major | UC Berkeley Political Science)</p>

<p>thanks, great responses</p>