Waitlist question

<p>If all of the sections of a class are full for a course that you need, is it okay to email the professor? I have been checking each time there is a bama bound session and none of them ever seem to open up, so I was just wondering if professors had the ability to add people to a waitlist or something like that. Thanks!</p>

<p>Feel free to e-mail the professor, but remember that they have the option to decline a course override or may not be the designated person to ask for an override as the different colleges have their own rules.</p>

<p>Okay, thanks! I guess I will email and if they can’t do anything just keep checking incase they do eventually open up</p>

<p>My D was given the following advice from Dr. S regarding a potential approach. Emails are easy to dismiss or quickly answer. He suggested that if there is a class that remains closed, then actually show up to the section of the class you would like to attend, and let the professor know in person of your interest. At least then you make your case. Just passing along one additional suggestion.</p>