<p>Hi-hopefully AdmissionsDaniel will find this and comment on it. I am waitlisted at JHU. While researching this, I was curious about one thing. Regarding Emory, they said they offered something like 400 waitlistees a spot, and 225 of them enrolled. Does this mean that there were 175 open spots when school started? Would this same situation happen at JHU? My point is, not all your waitlistees will accept your offer. Would there possibly be open spots as late as the beginning of school? I know, I know, but desperation is getting the better of me. Thanks for your comments.</p>
<p>It's not like Emory offered 400 waitlisted kids a spot and expected them ALL to enroll because they had 400 spaces to fill. It's the waitlist: kids begin comitting to other schools. Emory went through their waitlist, offering spots, until their class was full. If someone declined, then they offered a spot to the next person. Emory had 225 spots to fill, and they filled them. It just happens that 400 students were offered a spot before the 225 number was filled.</p>
<p>No,no. I think you misunderstood. If there were 400 empty spots, and 225 were filled from the waitlist, then there were 175 open. Let's say they couldn't get anyone else from the list as they had all already commited to other universities. Now, does that mean there were 175 open spots in the freshman class? I understand what you're saying about just going down the waitlist, but it will be with diminishing return. I am trying to find out if EVERY SINGLE SPOT is taken every year. Like I said, it's just nerves.</p>
<p>You'll probably get the best answer from AdmissionsDaniel, but I think shelly is right - there were not actually 400 open spots in the incoming class. Given historical waitlist acceptance rates, the admissions office probably chose to offer 400 students admission, with the aim that ~225 would accept and enroll.</p>
<p>belam - I have no idea how Emory does their wait list, nor for that matter how any other school does it. I can only speak on Hopkins and here is how it works.</p>
<p>After May 1 -- but usually in the middle of the month -- we determine is there are any seats open in the freshman class. We need to enroll 1160 students...if that number is not met than there are openings. If we surpass that number, than there are no openings.</p>
<p>If there are openings, the Admissions committee will review all wait list students who have chosen to remain on the wait list. Depending on the number of spots open will depend on how many offers will be made.</p>
<p>Two years ago we accepted about 150 students off of our wait list to fill about just over 100 spots in the class. So yes we do factor in that students offered admission off the wait list will not choose to enroll. </p>
<p>This process can take until the end of June. </p>
<p>As for if spots open in July or August, this will happen but it will be few. These spots will be left vacant though, as we "seal" the Admissions class after working with the wait list in May and June if necessary. </p>
<p>We do factor in what is called the "summer melt" where students who have chosen to enroll at Hopkins choose not to come because of their own personal reasons or they have been admitted off a wait list some where else. We can anticipate what those numbers are so that come September 1, every seat in our freshman class will be filled.</p>
<p>Finally, when thinking about the Johns Hopkins wait list do not be thinking in numbers like 400 or 225. The most we have ever admitted off the wait list was 150, and typically the number is closer to 50 if we go to the wait list.</p>
<p>oh yeah, and read this:
<a href="http://hopkins.typepad.com/hopkins_insider/2006/04/for_those_on_th.html%5B/url%5D">http://hopkins.typepad.com/hopkins_insider/2006/04/for_those_on_th.html</a></p>
<p>Does the admissions committee eventually notify everyone on the wait list, or only those that have been accepted from the wait list?</p>
<p>All students that remain on the wait list (by sending back the blue card) will be notified when final decisions about the wait list are made.</p>
<p>Thanks-now I have all the info I need.</p>
<p>Admissions Daniel,
For the students who are taken off of the waitlist. When do they have to respond to the offer of admission. I will be in Europe all of June and the first week of July as part of a study abroad program and will probably not be here when the letter arrives. Thanks for the info!</p>
<p>Admissions Daniel??...do we anticipate a need for the waitlist this year at Hopkins???</p>
<p>bdibble - if we take students off the wait list this year they will have probably two-three weeks to let us know of their decision after we inform them of their admission. It all depends on the number of students admitted off the wait list, and none of those decisions will be made until later in the month.</p>
<p>PalmBeach - no idea. We won't know until May 15th at the earliest.</p>
<p>Dear Admissions Daniel,</p>
<p>Thank you so much for answering our questions:)
My question is will cutting down the amount of financial aid we applied for increase our chance of admission?</p>