Waitlist Question

<p>Have any of you been selected from the waitlist in the past? If so, when does Dartmouth begin tacking kids off of it?</p>

<p>Starting May 1st, until the end of June.
Acceptance rate is 2.5%, don't except anything because most of that might just be donors and legacies.
Btw, I'm waitlisted too.</p>

<p>Generally, how is the financial aid for students who were waitlisted?</p>

<p>From what I understand, Financial Aid is an entirely different department then Admissions. They go by a certain set of formulas based on need, regardless of how you were accepted.</p>

<p>Oh okay, so if I were to be accepted off of the waitlist, I wouldn't be eligible for less aid than if I had just been accepted?</p>

<p>Dartmouth will meet 100% of your demonstrated need even if you were accepted from the waitlist</p>