Waitlist - Transfer Applicants to Columbia for Fall 2021

let us know what they say if you end up calling!

Any news?

Do you guys think they’ll release updates more towards the end of the month?

i think it’s impossible to say ://
i wonder though if they will email rejections, or whether we should just assume that if we didn’t hear from them by the 30th we didn’t get in.
also really curious about the size of the waitlist.

hey all
i had a friend call the admissions office and this is the info they got:

Decision date:
-Sometime before the end of the month
Size of waitlist:
Announcement method:
They will email us to let us know if they’re keeping us on the waitlist or dropping us by the end of the month. So either way we’ll get an email.

has anyone heard back??


My son has already committed to UPenn. So good luck you all.

Whatever, Columbia :smile:

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has anyone heard back yet??


i wonder if they’re going to release them all at once or do it rolling-based

I was looking at last years thread and I was reading about this thing called an extended waitlist. I stopped reading because I got anxious lol. I hope they don’t do that this year :sob:

i seriously doubt they’ll have an extended waitlist this year. that happened bc of covid and were basically trying to ensure that they had filled the class if people deferred or dropped last minute. this year is far more stable, esp for transfer apps.

i suspect that they’ll do it rolling during this coming week, probably starting with acceptances before rejections because they want to make sure they fill all their spots and if someone doesn’t accept the spot they can give it to someone who would have been rejected otherwise. or they’ll do it with waves of rejects. i don’t feel like they would just send out one wave because it feels like they’re trying to be cautious. i also just (gut feeling) doubt they’ll extend their decisions for another week. idk the exact date but accepted transfer commitments and fees were due mid-june, so last week, which would make sense why we would only know this coming week. i don’t think the pool is that large if they felt confident in that they would be able to get it all done over a week and a half. idk how large the waiting list is but based off of the reddit thread and this i would say tentatively maybe 30 ppl. idk if that’s a normal size or even how many they might take… ugh. i just want to knowwwwww

wow that was super helpful, thank you so much. I’m just so nervous like…i just wanna know aLreAdy…but good luck to everyone!

Just an FYI from the transfer thread:

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Stop don’t give me hope. I only applied to two schools and got rejected from the other. Did anyone get an acceptance?

A poster on the Columbia fall 2021 thread was just admitted off the waitlist last Friday.

Should we take not receiving an update as a bad sign? We haven’t received a formal rejection but still. Maybe I’m just overthinking it.

i had a friend call columbia and the AO said that regardless of whether or not we’re accepted we’ll get an email letting us know.
it’s possible this has changed but that’s all the info i have

thanks for updating us! now i’m even more scared…

I only applied to Columbia :frowning: I want to get off the wl so much :frowning:

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Me so anxious rn. This year has been too tough