Waitlist - Transfer Applicants to Columbia for Fall 2021


are you guys going to submit another loci?

I submitted two but I don’t really think it was necessary/will change anything at this point.

is anyone able to call the AO? i am an international transfer

What do u want to ask them? I can call

omg thank u thank u thank u

can you ask if they are releasing things on a rolling basis or planning on releasing them all at once? is there a specific time (like 5 pm ET?)

and they def won’t answer but like, when will they release decisions?! are they close?

oh and if we’re rejected - will they email us to notify or do we need to check the portal?

thank u so much

Okay so the only information she would give me is that (as far as she knows) no decisions have been released yet/there have been no waves of decisions and that all decisions will come out on some day before June 30. And you get an email regardless.

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oh whoa spicy

woah so she said no one has been accepted yet? i wonder if that person on the other thread was lying:/

yeah she said “I’m not aware of any waves of release that have occurred” maybe the other guy got into SEAS but idk if admission is separate

i think it’s the same since our decision letters have both cc and seas at the top of the decision later. maybe they got off the waitlist for gs?

that seems like it would be a possibility - gs i mean.

Yeah that was weird…

This really sounds like they don’t intend to take people off the waitlist…Last year the AO waited till the last day (June 30) to give either an extended waitlist or a rejection by email, and this year looks similar. I hope I’m wrong, of course :slight_smile:

I’m wondering how many transfer applicants were accepted in May…

I think around 150-200. At this point I don’t think there is any space for us. Columbia just keep us till the last sec in case an admitted student has a special circumstance and cannot attend…What a thing to do.


150-200 out of how many applications ?

I don’t know the exact number, but there are definitely many more applicants than past years

I agree, though I do hope it’s not true :frowning:

what’s the chance they’ll finally release the decisions today? it is a friday. i’d like the weekend to emotionally recover :upside_down_face: