Waitlist (UC Berkeley, UCSD, Grinnell, Cornell)

Hi! So I was waitlisted at 7 schools, and I am interested in 4 of them (UC Berkeley, UCSD, Grinnell, Cornell). Mainly Grinnell and Berkeley. I’m just wondering if for all of these schools, will they email you if there has been a change to your admission, or do you have to constantly check your portal. Also, do I send my end-of-the-year grades? I sent my first-semester senior year grades, and I was just wondering if I should also send my end-of-the-year grades if no decision was made by then. Also, could y’all please let me know if you or anyone has gotten off these waitlists yet? And if so, what are your stats? I heard UCSB was letting people off recently.

Thank you!

No movement on the UCB waitlist and very little on the UCSD waitlist. LA county just gave the green light to Colleges and Universities for more dorm capacity, so other counties may follow suit and then the waitlists might show some movement.

Colleges and universities may increase on campus student residency at this time with modifications, including:
•Reserving on campus housing preferentially for students who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 is strongly recommended. Requiring vaccination as a prerequisite for housing eligibility for congregate facilities should be considered.
•Roommates placed together in double or higher occupancy rooms must be fully vaccinated.
•Students who are not fully vaccinated and accepted for on campus student housing should be housed in single rooms.

Check the UCSD waitlist discussion thread for more information: **UCSD Class of 2025 Waitlist Discussion**

Ahh thank you! I actually just got off of the UC Berkeley waitlist today!


Grinnell, a LAC with 1,700 students and Berkeley, a research institution with 43,000?!? How are those even on the same list in the first place? Congrats on the UCB acceptance BTW if that’s what you ultimately want.

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Ya Grinnell is an amazing school, but I live in California and I didn’t really want to go out of state. Also, Grinnell was high on my list because of the flexibility with majors (being a liberal arts college) but I like my major at Cal and I don’t plan on changing it. I applied to mainly state schools, but some small colleges like Grinnell because of the great education. They’re both great schools in their own ways. At Berkeley, I’ll be getting the small college feel my first year anyways because I got in as part of the Changemaker program at Mills College, and ultimately I’m happy with my choice to go become a Bear!


Congratulations on a great outcome!


thank you :)))